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we count the raindrops
sipping from warm mugs, laughing
it’s all so simple
 Sep 2014 DarkDepriment
I no longer know
whether to drown myself
in heartbreak
in cheap liquor
or in the bath tub.
why are we so obsessed
with fixing ourselves
or finding someone else who will

we're not puzzles
or riddles
or broken

we're not really lost
we're wandering
we are travellers

we're neither things
we are human
we are feelings

we don't need someone to
complete us
or fix us

stop trying to convince yourself
that you need for someone
to replace that loneliness

light a fire
and let yourself feel the warmth
 Jun 2014 DarkDepriment
Olivia L
Watch the light leave us
Keeping us all in the dark
Until the day comes

and now you are texting me
telling me *baby I love you

I cant live without you
I need you
and the only thing you didn't say
was I'm sorry i hurt you
 Jun 2014 DarkDepriment
Sean G
We laid eye to eye,

a thousand thoughts raging through my head.

Should I?

I'd been waiting for so long

to finally do it.

Will I?

I'd been building up the courage

to finally do it.

Can I?

I'd tried to read you and see

if you were finally ready.

Am I?

I hadn't thought about it

before my lips finally neared yours.

I will.

And I finally did.
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