One more moment.
One more moment with your lips.
Soft, warm, tracing my skin.
One more moment with your eyes.
Green, hazel, beautiful, loving.
One more moment with your hands.
Touching my fingers, my hair, softly fluttering over my skin.
One more moment with your humor.
Silly, laughing, playing, lighting up my world.
One more moment with your laugh.
Loud, inviting, It still echos in my ears to this day.
One more moment with your skin.
Soft, tanned, toned, you were and still are so perfect.
One more moment with your mind.
Loving, smart, so much potential that you don’t even realize.
One more moment with you.
Your lips, your eyes, your hands, your humor, your laugh, your skin, your mind.
One more moment with your beautiful soul.
One more moment to prove that i need you.
One more moment to ask again.
One more moment to try.
One more moment of us.
One more moment of You.
Just one more moment of You.