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Idiosyncrasy May 2018
There are moments I wish to forget
There seem to be vestiges of you everywhere
That I see things not as they are
But a shadow, a spark, a thread of you

It's been some time
Enough to think I was okay
Then one day I smell your scent and your vague image slowly turned into my sharpest memory

Or maybe you were always the clearest memory
Which I chose to hide in the closet
Because I know I couldn't forget

But this is how I want to forget
I wish I could open the door and not think of the last time you closed it
I wish I could say goodbye without hearing you say it back

And these aren't all
I find myself hoping I could put all the happy moments behind
Because they were hard to beat and I never felt the same

Sometimes I wish
I could listen to a song and not hear your voice singing it to me
And read a book without seeing your delicate fingers hold the pages' ends

I wish I could wake up and not see your smile shining brighter than the sun
Or tuck the blankets in without feeling your arms wrapping around me

But I know
I know I can brave this world with just the precious memories of you.
I never thought I'd say these again.
Idiosyncrasy Apr 2018
Love may fail
Love may end
Love may leave
But it doesn't mean nothing good can come out of it
And in that case, maybe it doesn't fail at all.
Thanks, love.
Idiosyncrasy Apr 2018
I thought I was building walls
But I merely left the gates on rusty hinges
When I was laying traps
The floors became squeaky
I wanted to close the curtains
But I think I pulled them down too hard
So I saw you driving back here
I heard the sound of metals screeching
And your first step behind the door
The paint is still fading
The kitchen faucet still leaking
Cobwebs cover the ceiling
But I don't mind
You are the only one that make this place home.
April 13. First week.
Idiosyncrasy Apr 2018
I may not be able to save the world
But I can save a breath to make my heart try harder to give me life
I may not feel beautiful
But I can feel the attraction and repulsion of everything I try to make sense of.

I may not be brave enough to risk it all
But I am in control.
Yes please.
Idiosyncrasy Apr 2018
One day
I will stumble upon a box
Full of the things
I've given
I've lost
Covered in bubble wrap
Like they have never been through so much struggle
To get back to me
The box wasn't wrapped with red ribbon
But with tight tape
As if saying
It was to be opened by people
With strong hands like mine
Which have gone through the sharpest blades and knives
But I tell you
I still offer delicate fingers
Rough draft.
Idiosyncrasy Mar 2018
No matter how hard the chase
No matter how far the space
Something always leads me back to your embrace.
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