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  Jan 2020 hurtlovebug91
no one
do you ever have the desire
to just cut
open your skin
watch yourself bleed?

not for any reason
not because you want to release
not because you need to cope
not because you are sad

but just because you want to.

it's in those moments,
when it's no longer a coping mechanism
when it's no longer a release
when there's no longer a reason

it's simply addiction

  Jan 2020 hurtlovebug91
no one
she was slightly suicidal

partly crazy

but mostly alone

hurtlovebug91 Jan 2020
everyone says they have so many friends,
you never know
who your real friends are
till they are put in a spot,
it could be life or death,
those who stay and help are true
those who laugh and make a joke are not,
be great full for the true friends
you never know who they are
till there gone
it took a long time but i found the real ones before it was to late i am so happy i found them
hurtlovebug91 Jan 2020
Im broken i told u in the beginning
U tell me u dont care
why dont u care
im broken and used
all u want is the happy
thats all anyone wants
your words to me
made me cry
when u said them
"i love you for u,
all of u,
the sad the hurt the broken and the love"
u say these words but
leave the second it gets hard
so do u
do u love me
"all of me"
if u did u wouldnt leave
the first bump is the smallest
if u cant take the smallest bump
dont take any road to anywhere
im just sick of the lies
hurtlovebug91 Dec 2019
why is Christmas the longest holiday
with all the love and laughter
for me its all fake
hurtlovebug91 Dec 2019
I told you i don't want to be here no more
you say same but I don't think you get what i mean
when i say i don't want to be here no more
i mean here with you
here on this earth
i don't want to be in love
I shouldn't be in love with u
i don,t want to be here
you don't get it
i don't want to be on this earth
i don't want to be with the toxic
The love i need out of is the only love i want
I told you i don't want to be here no more
you say same but I don't think you get what i mean
i am sorry for this **** im just a sad person who wants to be good
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