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bs Jul 2016
The moon feels lonely
But how it feels,
I know.
People just always
  Jul 2016 bs
damaged goods
I'm tired of being sad
Fed up with being mad
today is the beginning
today is the start
yesterday is gone forever
tomorrow is not today yet
so let the bad go and forget

open your eyes to motivation
destroy the bad and start the good creation
today is the start line
today is what matters
yesterday is a memory
tomorrow is about possibilities
so let your mind free of hostilities
bs Jul 2016
Generic poetry
And a Father who left me

Generic photography
And a Mother who I believe loves me

Fake friends, expensive brands,
Shots of ***** on the kitchen floor
After fumbling around,
Trying to forget about the day that almost killed me.

But how can you die, before being born?
Sometimes I imagine myself trying to commit suicide in the womb,
On the 8th month my Mother was pregnant with me,
The man who never sat me on his shoulders,
Never made my family breakfast,
And never brought me in to 'Bring your Child to Work Day',
walked out of the door and carried with him all the could-haves of my childhood.

Silent panic attacks,
No one validates,
Because they are silent
And not screaming for help
The way my eyes do.

Meltdowns after medicine,
Throwing up,
Being too loud and too proud,
Never seeing past the bedroom door
Because the days were just too much for me to absorb.

Not knowing how to be grateful,
Because all I see is dusk
And dark
And fear
And no light I've ever known.
bs Jul 2016
To the almost love of my life;
I'm sorry I never made it that far
Or had the guts to say
That all I ever wanted was for you to stay.
Or maybe that was the 'all I ever wanted' of my yesteryears

Because now 'all I ever wanted' was for my fears
To disappear, and fade away
Just like you did so many, many, many, days ago
I never saw you in the halls, or dreamt of your smile

The only thing we said with eyes was, "it's been a while"
You filled me with joy and wiped my liquid sadness away from my face
And I'm sorry, I was too exhausted from the chase
I tried to make you love me, and evidently- our stars never aligned.
The universe never gave you the signs.

Oh darling, you made me lovesick
But now I think of you as no more than my once almost lover
And just a friend from the weeks I try to remember
But all I remember out of those weeks
Was trying to be strong when you made me feel weak
And sometimes, I still think about how our bodies could have crashed like waves.

Ironic, isn't it?
You gave me power yet wore me down
You made me happy when I flew too close to the sun and you made me sing sad songs and form frowns
And this is true, because you will always be, the once almost love of my life..

And maybe this will always **** me.
  Jul 2016 bs
You flash me that smirk I know way too well.
One that I have tried to shield myself from but have failed miserably.

I thought avoiding you was moving on.
I thought being with someone else was moving on.

But when you walked back into my life and decided to tell me you miss me, I was reeled back in.

Your voice, your laugh, the colour of your eyes, the prominent shape of your jawline; they were all my thoughts could circle.
Everything I thought I had forgotten about you came in and drowned me, reminding me of all the suppressed feelings I tried not to show.

You were my temptations.
And a hug turned into begging for a kiss.
And begging for a kiss turned into explaining I had a boyfriend.
And explaining I had a boyfriend turned into wondering, if it really came down to it, who would I choose?

But then my brain starts to kick in and tell me no.
It tells me what could have been.
What should have been.
What wouldn't have been.
bs Jul 2016
We get bones out of death
And death out of love
We decide that we will never be enough

I ask myself if it will ever be
If just breathing will be hard for me
Because sometimes a hot shower
Feels like a devour

It feels like the only hug I've gotten in years
Because I never allowed anyone to see me in tears
And I've realised that this life
This life

Tastes like Sunday morning, realising that the next day is a chance for things to crumble
And looks like a fumble
With a noose or a handgun
And wanting to run
Away from everything that ever caused you grief.

Tick tock, I feel my time running out
And it feels like all I've ever dreamt about
Was happiness to be kept in the back of my pocket
And to never be the girl who ruined it.

All my life I have been that girl
And maybe that is my place in this world
To be another creature, cast away in the streets
A person, uncaring towards whether she bleeds.

Because dying is not a new feeling to her.
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