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  Jul 2016 bs
The Poetic Architect
072116 #Psalm74&77

Who's roaring in power?
Who's fighting our every battle?
Who's the Great "I Am"?
Everyone who has breath, praise the Lord!

You're beauty we've never seen,
But isn't He the Most Beautiful?
And so He shouts, "Move!" --
"Move from defeat to victory!"

His final breath is now alive in us.
What a powerful Name!
He says, "My child, arise,
I have risen, isn't it more than enough?"
"He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay." - Matthew 28:6 (ESV)

There's no greater joy than to feel God's embrace as He dwells in us. Sometimes, we stop searching; sometimes, we become impatient. Sometimes, we simply entertain our so-called "great loss," and even denies what's the cost of the Cross.

If the enemy's words aren't lies, why're we still in pain? We're only secured in Christ; no need to pretend we're strong enough. Yes, lies hurt but the Truth will truly set us free. Hope is in Christ and has become our anthem -- to sing a new song each day.

And that power that raised Christ from death: it's more than magic, more than we could ever imagine. It has never been a trick. And as we've experienced the cross, we can never ever unlearn that genuine love of God for us. And so we need His presence for us to know His will - to see the place where He'll bring us to.

Thank God, for we can endure. Writing this down, oh.. Lord, thank You for who You are! In Jesus' Name, Amen! Amen!

(Thinking of those unforgettable faces I met as I walk with my Jer. 1:7 L.V. Sometimes, God sends people to us; sometimes, the other way around. Strangers who gave us quality materials to be firm in Christ. I love you all in Jesus' Name!)
  Jul 2016 bs
Richie Vincent
I remember the first time I saw the glare of a sunrise on your eyes,
Everything was beautiful, even the cracks of the sidewalk

We stayed up all night digging to lay cement, everything was so perfect,
Little did either of us know that we left space in the cracks for weeds to grow

You shined into me and out from my joints sprouted flowers,
They were lavender and lilac; it was always hard to tell the difference between them because of their color

As time went on, not everything stayed as beautiful as it once was,
My flowers wilted and frowned, and so did I,
Weeds took over and wrapped my body in vines, suffocating me with my own breath,
Not being able to catch a glimpse of what's eating you up inside is like watching a flower get trampled on without being able to do anything about it

A year and a day later and I am lying on the sidewalk by my house with lilacs in my hands, finally realizing the difference between lavender and lilac
bs Jul 2016
Don't go across the world for me
Because I will only find a way to make you leave
Even though my sadness is too hidden to see
I promise you, some nights I find it hard to breathe

Don't set yourself, on fire to make me smile
Because after a while, I will decide it's too hard loving someone who gives me what I desire
And I will only want you to go the extra mile
Though it's shocking to me that someone could love a person so dire.

Don't blame yourself, because I can never trust again
Because I run away from anyone who sees through this grin
And all I think about in this brain
Is that you didn't feel like loving an entity as vile as me was a sin.
  Jul 2016 bs
As the markings on your arm,
Appear to me as light,
In the darkness of my eyes,
Tracing the path of the caravan.

“What do you fear?”
She asked,
Of me, and now.

To whom am I speaking?
For the rest of the time,
In my head, in my mind,
It is you, who
I am speaking to.
  Jul 2016 bs
Julia Mae
I remember one night you came back to me after being gone for ten minutes or so, and I asked you why did you come back? and you answered, because I didn't want you to be alone.
And I think that is what love is.
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