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  Aug 2015 horandement
I see you too much
I hear you to much
I smell you too much
I taste you too much
I feel you too much

That you became my
6th sense
horandement Aug 2015
You were sleeping when I've found you lying down on the cold ground. Homeless and hopeless.
You didn't seem to trust anyone but you let me held your suave hand in mine. I took you under my wing but you were still afraid. You didn't want to tell me your story. So I have waited for a long time. And when I knew, I've loved you even more. I didn't fall in love with your qualities and beauty at all. I was in love with your imperfections, the mistakes that made you unique, but most of all I fell for your broken heart. I had a mission. I had to fix all the pieces together. So when I did, when I saw a smile painting on your face and heard the beautiful melody of your laugh, I wanted to keep you by my side forever and never told to anyone about your existence so no one would ever be in love with you, as well.

Everybody needs you.
Everybody needs inspiration.
Everybody needs a ball of sunshine.

I've found mine and if I could I would have took him far away from any sort of individuals capable of loving.

But I woke up. You and all we've been through desappeared. Reality caught me up.

Back to lonelyness and the sweet sound of silence...
  Aug 2015 horandement
DaSH the Hopeful
I've been looking for you all around

I can't find you in old photographs
And sometimes I can't reach you by phone
    But when I look in the mirror and see my smile

*I know I've found you
  Aug 2015 horandement
you don't understand how long some people have been here
you don't understand the changes we've seen
you don't understand how much we've longed for the people to
be who they be
you don't understand how it breaks our hearts
to see such infighting
bought to our world from other pages
used to back biting
you don't understand, for us
that have believed from the start
that Hello Poetry was once a place
where we always laid our heart
we gave over our life to this place
we endured every change
when you see something different here
know we have suffered more than this strange
once upon a time
in an awesome time and place
when people googled

they found this space
they found inspiration
they found laughter that never ends
they found confidantes and a place
to plant
a never ending garden of friends
So if you're from another site
drawn here by the skin of tooth
sit a while in our midnight garden
and I'll speak to you a truth

Hello Poetry has been my best friend
for over 5 years, and all the friends
I've found on here, they've danced beneath my laugh, and held onto me so tight
that if I ever fall so wrong, they'll make
it all right

And that's the saddest thing
about Hello Poetry today...
is that most don't try
to make true friends
really real friends
or interact with them
in any meaningful way
Honestly, in over 5 years I've seen it all, every single change, the arguments, the kisses, the makeups, the losses and the successes... what I really hate to see is the pettiness, the juvenile and puerile ugliness that escapes from another shore, only to find themselves washed upon our beach.... Sorry, we roast such sorry carcasses, then we eat!

26/08/2015 - I am truly stoked to see this as the Daily and humbled but so very proud by the comments and sharing of my heartfelt desire for you all to see HP as I do.... Home. Thank you everyone :)
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