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20.3k · Feb 2015
cigarette girl
Heba H Feb 2015
he moved her
like a cigarette
between his fingers
both made him feel good
he let her in
and felt things
he never quite understood
but when he's done
like a cigarette
he'll simply turn her off.
2.7k · Feb 2015
Heba H Feb 2015
I wish I hadn't met you
and I wish I could go back
to the times

when happiness
wasn't when I see you
or when you tell me
your sweet little lies

when sadness
wasn't when you ignore me
or when I get
your cold replies

I really miss it
when green wasn't my favorite
because its the color
of your eyes
676 · Feb 2015
Take it slow
Heba H Feb 2015
it was like
you pushed me
with a bicycle
off of a steep mountain
and then told me
to *"take it slow"
624 · Feb 2015
Heba H Feb 2015
it was like
you blind folded me
and made me believe
that you're that
one beautiful thing
in a miserable
but now that you're gone
i can clearly see
how beautiful
this life
can be.
526 · Mar 2015
I miss you still
Heba H Mar 2015
At night,
When all my walls fall down
And I start to strip my shields
Layer by layer
Tear by tear
I unstitch my wounds
And I find you there
Under my skin
You and my misery
Misery that's caused by the fact that I denied myself the pleasure of loving you
So many times
That now I can only live with that fact
That I can't act
That I wonder
If I stare at the phone long enough
If I pray hard enough
If I wish on the right stars
at the right moments of time
Will you recognize my existence
Will I hear your voice
And every atom of me jump when I hear you say you miss me
What are the chances
Of finding something you lost once again
I wonder till my tears run out
Till the sun rises
And my walls are rebuilt
And you no longer exist
Till night.
456 · Mar 2015
I can't forget you
Heba H Mar 2015
we haven't spoken a word
in months
but the thought of you
hasn't left my mind
not once
366 · Feb 2015
Heba H Feb 2015
the doors
might look
in your way

but try
and get close

for they
might be

— The End —