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Lightening across a heat stricken sky
Angry winds feast their anger onto rolling tides
The inner instinct tells us to run and hide
and yet here we stand
Heads back; mouths open
Arms spread far and wide
Ready to taste the sweet rainwater from the raging storm outside
In hopes to feel the same winds beneath and deep inside
Howl at the nonexistent moon and let the myths hinder our pride
Amongst the madness and the sadness
Won't you hear us cry?
I wrote this poem from the view of a poet.  Catch my drift?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Can a poet be an introvert?
Because an introvert am I.
I am outgoing at times,
but mostly I am shy.

Can a poet hide behind the curtain?
Of all things hidden inside,
I get them out furiously on paper,
but in turn to speak I hide.

Can a poet be imperfect?
In the respect of not all things memorized.
Even so, I love every word I write,
and hope to leave you mesmerized.

Can a poet be I?
(C) Maxwell 2014
 Jun 2014 Heather Booth
 Jun 2014 Heather Booth
I don't like change
I don't want to realize you're leaving
I don't like being without you
I don't like the emotional dependence

I want you to stay
Even if you may
Or may not
Want to be the one

I find the comfort of depression
The sweetest kind of aggression

That's how it feels
Being dumped
Being dumb
Being saved
And then
Just to know all that happens after you leave
 Jun 2014 Heather Booth
There's no such thing as
"good" and "bad"
My uncle slit a man's throat with a box cutter in my childhood home and didn't apologize.
Sitting in a circle filled with crack smoke and stale beer breath.
This is a shining example of what I've lived with
and the lengths I've had to go to escape the thing people call "destiny".

Thievery, lies, pressure, and violence
has been calling my name for the longest.
But I know the voice too well to be taunted.  

Words are my freedom and words are my piece of mind.
There is not a single substitute.
Whether poem, prose, or paragraph,
This is the only calling I've ever had.

I've lived with a hoarder, addicts, senility, and ignorance
in a variety of different combinations and forms.
At times, power, water, freedom, money, necessities, have all been an unachievable thing to me.
Lost to the vile goals of those folk I love.
I am the only one who sees the beauty in the fragile and odd.
The others see only a mess on a paper, and move their eyes to the nearest glowing box.

My father drowned when I was six.
My grandfather followed soon after.
My mother felt the stab of this and caved so many times.
I witnessed and shared the burden of her pain and grief.
My grandmother forgot everything she ever loved or knew, and short after passed as well.
Pets and possessions,
friends and followers.
All gone with a drastic breeze.
I am the one with the vision, but I am trapped in a shell of a city,
covered with that wretched stink of refined soy.

Will I be able to unburden the world from myself?
You all give me such great courage and allow me to share the beauty as I see it.
You all have such great skill with symbols and it makes me feel like home isn't far.
I want this. I want this.

If I keep breathing like the rest of the world
I feel I may miss the sound of the world's heartbeat.
But my death would not bring a solution for the ones I love.
Only a warrant for more death.
I need this. I need this.

With my words, I conjure up hell.
And hell brings with it the familiar.
Run little kitties, run.
The Doubling House and The Sequential Church will not hold forever.
My havens are temporary, but the craters are forever.
I will struggle till the pain becomes all I am
and I buckle under the weight of what I shouldn't have taken
from the mighty Atlas.

I do this for me.
I do this for you.
I plan on this being much longer once I find the time and courage to add to it.
When I was a kid,
folding chairs
were my kryptonite.
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