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 Jun 2019 H A Vitatoe
 Jun 2019 H A Vitatoe
are you ready
to give in
goddess magic?
His eyes sparkling
      with fear,
Because infront of him
       was a spear,
As he moved back,
        his neck,
Touched the door,
   He couldn't move back more,
He tried the handle,
And the swish of air blowed the candle,
All went in vain,
  He screamed with pain,
BC spear went straight into his chest,
  Oh! What , i can't do rest,
Further he thought,
   It was a nightmare i ought,
What is it, that I need to read
Haven’t I read it all, that I ever wanted to know
What is it that’s missing
Haven’t I written it all
Do I need to read more
To finally know
What’s left unread
The chapters that went missing
Unfinished portion of life
Partly inspired by Hindi movie, Zubaan(2015)

Listen to your inner voice
Don’t quieten  it to the din of sorrow
As flames of love begin to fade
I realize you mimic someone that I used to know...
              Whom now, I don’t remember.
Just feels kind of wrong when time tends to make you forget someone you thought you couldn’t go a second without.
 May 2018 H A Vitatoe
And what about the lairs
Who whisper in our ears
Shadows in the corridors
Envy in their stare's
Evil eyes awatching
Wishing wicked things
I can feel them
Crawling across
The dirt of all our

An exercise in creativity....
Traveler Tim
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