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 Aug 2019 H A Vitatoe
As if every coffee cup ever filled was an ocean
So every drink ever drank by humanity was a dream
A beautiful dream with an inevitable end
Like a swirling coffee steeped in seeping cream
Forever mixed are our drinking lives with dreams
One and the same once turned knowingly
For every dreamer who had a cup this morning. You are not alone.
 Aug 2019 H A Vitatoe
Love hurts
 Aug 2019 H A Vitatoe
You burned me and i have opened my windows for the smoke to disappear.
With A Tension Limb

mix tongue you met
a heroic vent...
set a swing with a smile
run that extra mile
the storm of the wild
get back Cadillac
strong in position
trying stike nor missing
flow from the ordinary rap..

come and sit next to me
situation make believe
over a brand new leaf

carry on with the natures belt
shadow in the want for more
balance for the power yawn
in the dark arrived at once

Earth Is Own
cement like glue
eat a grinder still
take that one last pill
 Aug 2019 H A Vitatoe
Ray Jordan
In sleep, I die a little more
Than where I’d been the night before.
My heart, tho’ pounding in my chest,
Wanes each and ev’ry passing breath
For nothing done can now restore.

By day, I live a little less.
Time marches on. I only guess
I’m closer to a bitter end
As Time has never been my friend,
Tho’ much was wasted, I confess.

I pause, contrite, in deep lament
For useful energy— never spent,
Or opportunity— never taken;
Disappeared— left forsaken,
Wond’ring where my youth was sent?

Now, I could dwell and wonder why
In pity for my clouded eyes,
Or rise, take in, as chances wait
For open heart. It’s not too late
To live before my time to die!
Had a heart attack last year and this poem goes through the process of my return to living.
 Aug 2019 H A Vitatoe
The doctors all say
Our minds can't remember pain
Why then, do I still remember you
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