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 Aug 2019 H A Vitatoe
Living deep
Out in my forest
In an attempt
To close my mind
It fail upon
A dark October
In a better
  Vanished time...
When we were young
And life was bolder
I never thought
We'd get older
While recklessly
We lived as if we
  Could never die...
In drones of silence
The heart beats on
Slowly now
As I write my songs
And here I play another solo
   As I turn to face the night...
Traveler Tim

I replayed this
and realize
It's all been
Said before..
 Aug 2019 H A Vitatoe
Jim Davis
Quick lives painted,
By the yellows, reds, and blues.
Colorful lives they were,
Intensely hued in shades.
Kaleidoscope lives.

Chromatic colors of this world,
Not the next.  Although,
Flashes of heaven seen,
Built on moments,
Of crazy subdued!

Essences of bright colors
brought to bear,
For love, against hate.
A spark among mediocrities,
Starting blazes to change worlds.

Splashes of color,
In a darkening sky.
Fireworks streaking to explode,
Falling, extinguished,
Lacking flame for going on.

With their absence,
A vista left more dreary,
Yet carried to the next world,
A sparkle of color heaven gained,
Giving God a smile.

© 2016 Jim Davis
Later in life now, **** near sixty, remembering all those, who have left here, earlier than I.
 Jun 2019 H A Vitatoe
I didn't ask

I didn't want to know

I didn't need this feeling

Of almost
Of Incomplete

But its the nightmares of intimacy

That hurt me

The most.
....but I still dream of you occasionally

I don't need your love
 Jun 2019 H A Vitatoe
 Jun 2019 H A Vitatoe
Break open my subconscious

You won't like what you find
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