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Hannah Martin Feb 2016
By her support system

Away are her friends

Always picked last

Sometimes not picked at all

To surrounding people

Even in a room full of people

To feel accepted, wanted

This depression will dissolve
  Feb 2016 Hannah Martin
I find it scary how there is no escape,
There is no escape from ignorance,
There is no escape from arrogance,
There is no escape from being judged,
There is no escape from racism,
There is no escape from sexism,
There is no escape from homophobia,
There is no escape from cruelty,
There is no escape from heartbreaks,
There is no escape from disappointment,
There is no escape from failure,
There is no escape from fear,
There is no escape from hatred,
There is no escape from war,
There is no escape from reality,
              NO ESCAPE FROM LIFE.
Hannah Martin Feb 2016
She used to feel she had a strong support system,
Through her friends and family.
But lately she’s watched it crumble,
Right before her eyes.

Nobody seems to be there.
To care for her,
To be her shoulder to cry on,
To love her for who she is.

She acts like she’s okay,
But she’s really dying on the inside.
Suffering from depression and anxiety,
Yet acting like everything is fine.
Hannah Martin Feb 2016
In a room full of people, but I feel so alone
They don’t even notice me,
These so called ‘friends’.
What did I do wrong?

I’m living in this world alone.
Something building up in my chest,
It physically hurts me.
Emptiness. Loss. Loneliness.

Can’t you see I need you?
Need your love, your attention.
I’m so alone right now and I just need someone.
I feel like I’m living in this world alone.

I feel closer to people I’ve never met,
Compared to the ones I see daily.

Fighting back my tears,
I can’t let them see.
Maybe then they’d notice me,
But I don’t want it like that.

Can you even see me sitting next to you?
Why do you look right through me?

I can’t take much more of this,
Be my friend, hold me.

How much longer can I go on?
I’m not sure.
Maybe you won’t seen me tomorrow,
Or ever again.

But at least I don’t have to suffer anymore,
Maybe then I could be happy.
Hannah Martin Feb 2016
If I didn’t show up at school one day,
How much you think about it?

Would you notice that I’m gone,
Or would it pass you by,
Never thinking twice about it.

What about the next day?
Would you notice my absence then?

What if I never came back?
When the truth came out,
What would be said about me?

Would you cry for me,
Or would you keep living on?

I loved you,
Did you love me?
Hannah Martin Feb 2016
You heard the news,
Found dead on the bathroom floor.

You thought she was happy,
But she was just barely holding on.

You thought you were her friend,
Why didn’t she say anything?

You wish she would’ve told you,
You wish you could’ve helped.

You wonder how long she had suffered,
How long had she masked her pain from everyone?

You blame yourself,
Should’ve been a better friend.

Were the signs there all along?
Why didn’t you hear her cries for help?

But how could you know?
She didn’t want you to see her like that.

It wasn’t your fault you didn’t know,
She didn’t want you to.

She didn’t want to seem weak,
She didn’t want you to look at her differently.

So instead she kept it all in,
Until she finally decided she was done.

Done with life,
Done with pretending.
Hannah Martin Feb 2016
As she sits in her room, cutting her skin
Her mother upstairs, has no idea.
And the only way she’ll ever know,
Is if she finds her baby ******* the bathroom floor.

She’ll wonder how it happened,
How could it have slipped by her?
Then she’ll notice the missing pill bottles,
But it’s already too late.

She cries for her baby girl,
Where did she go wrong?
All the signs were there,
How did she not catch them?

But does it matter anymore?
Because it’s too late,
Her baby girl is already gone.
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