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Do you ever feel anxiety?
Do you ever feel ashamed?
Do you ever feel the thoughts you have are sometimes quite deranged?

Are you all okay with everything that flows around your mind?
The words that come alive through you do they seem quite unkind?

Or do you err with caution and try not to upset
The ones who read the words you write and so your work you'll vet!

Sometimes they might need steering towards the point you make.
Sometimes you want to frighten them, or make their poor hearts break!

Your genre points the way for you and you try to make them see.
The message that you write about within your poetry.

Some point out the choices that we aim for in this life,
Whilst others try to show the world in all its weary strife.

The rights and wrongs of lovers, governments and greed.
Whilst others write about the things we all need to succeed.

But whether you script horrors tales or tell of someones plight.
The most important thing you do my dear friend is write!
Dec 2014
 Dec 2014 hani shibli
Karl Kamea
What do you want from me?
Can't be the money
Can't be the riches

Why do you love me?
Can't be the wits
Can't be the laughter

Why are you looking at me like that?
Can't be the looks
Can't be the smile

Each time you're telling me
That you love me
That you need me
That I am everything
You ever wanted
All I want to do is
Hit your beautiful face
As hard as I can

I don't want anyone
To look at me like that

It makes it harder for me
To simply walk away
 Dec 2014 hani shibli
 Dec 2014 hani shibli
               •full and
                       grand desi-
                          gns adorned
                              upon my very
              ­                  would land on
                                    my feet•my wo-
                                     rds now partially
                     ­               ng that of an ail-
                                   ing crescent• i...
                                 am still here, i...
                               watch and i lis-
                           ten• scouring
                        for mediocre
             that still
I cry and cry
Nowhere to hide

Brave and head high
always tight

When does it stop
When is it not

To be dead or
To be ahead

Afraid of the truth
Bold as a fruit

Ripe or rotten
Fight or be forgotten

The question is....
To be continued
Okay, so she and I are not the same religion
Okay, so we are of different cultures
Okay, so we have different beliefs
Okay, her ****** orientation is different than mine
Okay, so she looks different than me
Okay, so she is a different race than me
Okay, so she doesn't believe in the same things as me
Okay, she has different values than me
Okay, so she says unkind things to me
She is still a human though.
And I owe her respect, basic human love, and kindness.
I don't care if we are polar opposites.
I don't care if she spits on my religion
I don't care if she loathes me and is cruel to me
I don't care if we have nothing in common whatsoever
We are both human
And that should be enough
For me to show her
Even if they are a different religion, race, culture, or anything than you, even if you disagree with them on many things, even if they are cruel, you still owe them respect and kindness. Remember, we are all human.

Black, White, Asian, etc.

Gay, Straight, Lesbian, Bi, Transgendered, etc.

Elderly, young, middle aged, immortal etc.

Kind, unkind, strict, crazy, diseased, healthy, wild, careless, cruel, disrespectful, narrow-minded, broad minded, axe murderer, pacifist etc.

Atheist, Christian, Catholic, Lutheran, Jewish, Muslim, Baptist, Buddhist, Mormon, Pagan, Wiccan, Protestant, Presbyterian, Hindu, etc. Regardless what they believe in, all humans deserve love, respect, and kindness. Everyone. No exceptions. Let everyone be who they are, believe what they wish and love them for themselves. Show EVERYONE kindness, because in the end, humans struggle with that. It's time to let go of prejudice and just show respect. :)
 Dec 2014 hani shibli
i want to be poetic
but i cant...

     i want to feel needed
     but i don't...

i want to seem together
but i’m not...

     i want to know something
     but i won’t ...

                              ...ever it seems
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