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Why did you have to pull me in like this?
Why couldn't you be like every other girl?
Benign? Impermanent?

You were untraditional, unorthodox,
You became air where there was none,
Water where there was only dust

And then you told me that you were sick,
And nothing brings two people in like illness,
All of a sudden everything changed

I've never felt like much of a father figure,
But ******* you made me care like one,
Probably why it's still so agonizing

And I'm still tasked with laughable ideas
Like "letting go" and "moving on"
And I know that there's no alternative

There is no room for me in your life,
You've set sail for new waters,
And I'm simply left to drown
 Nov 2014 Hailey P
Bassam A
It's been a day or two
since I saw you
It almost felt I am long distance

I lost track of my human time
I am seriously out into another realm
Where time is not important ..
Was that a week ago?

When I pull my thoughts together,
it turns out to be just a day or two

When I met you the other day
I kept all the moments ..
Didn't want to forget
All are embedded
into my head!

When will it be ...?
Where we be together?
I say to myself ..

'cause I want to keep ..
a better picture of you

if you are my friend
we're joined at the hip
you don't have to worry
about how i may slip.

if you are my friend
i am tried and true
you don't have to worry
i will not leave you.

if you are my friend
I'm there forever
come hell or high water
come stormy weather

i know what it's like
to be at rope's end
and find nothing more
than fair weather friends.

to be so down
death looks like pleasure
to drink of a cup
of pain without measure.

as they're all that I have.
they stand up for me
they are life's salve.

if you are my friend
you are not alone
if you are my friend...

... it's down to the BONE.

♥ Catherine
I'm feeling that someone
Needs to read this.
I'm feeling sad about
The people on my last site.
I don't want to lose touch...

If you are a friend on this
Site and I seem to have
Forgotten you?  Don't worry.
I haven't. I am in touch with
Each one of you in the spirit.
I'm on the site message system
As much as reading.
If you want to talk drop me a
Line or two. I'm THERE.

I'm a slow reader/typist.
I may not read right away.
But I go through a group
Of poems at a time.

I want to say how very
Honored I am to be here
With you ALL!

 Oct 2014 Hailey P
lost girl
 Oct 2014 Hailey P
lost girl
Be grateful for the darkness
that conceals your tears,
breaks your heart,
and brings forth your fears.

Without hell
there is no heaven

Without hate
there is no love

Without you
there is no us
There is someone out there that each one of us cannot exist without
The truest of hearts
never part
they only
get stronger
© All Rights Reserved Dustin Matthews
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