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 Jul 2015 Hades
Angelo D Arcega
I'm leaning on the curtain -
back against the wall. It's 5:33pm
And my ink is about to

I know I breathe the same
air. Walk the same

I know I drink the same
water. Or sit on the

I know I'm not good in expressing
my thoughts. Or even making others

Like how agony writers
Die like a spinning wheel.

October 7, 2014
 Jul 2015 Hades
Tia Jane
 Jul 2015 Hades
Tia Jane
We're at a crossroads ~
The path ahead is frighteningly unfamiliar ~
I may leave you standing here ~
I can't keep waiting for you to make up your mind ~
Because the pain, love ~
It stabs at my delicate skin ~
It tears out my too human heart ~
I was ready to walk with you ~
Now I just want to walk ~
We're at a crossroads ~
And you still ~ don't know which path to take ~

Copyright © Tia Jane Fajardo
#crossroads #pain #love #lust #decisions #hurt
 Jul 2015 Hades
Now And Then
 Jul 2015 Hades
it would be good to have the idealist teenager running through my blood
and all the innocence of love in my heart
its there methinks .... just needs a nudge now and then
by reading the teenage poets of today on Hello
 Jul 2015 Hades
 Jul 2015 Hades
You put clichés in you get clichés out
Even I know what I am talking about
Pop stars stealing old lines
Writer forgetting to write their own minds
It is hard to break that cycle
I know, it is so hard to grow
I recycle myself and everybody else
This cliché trend is my sin to
But I am working on it
 Jul 2015 Hades
Jeuden Totanes
This poem has ten words, with the title Redundant Insanity.
 Jul 2015 Hades
 Jul 2015 Hades
I need a moment to grieve
the moment you gave me to leave
I don't know anymore what I believe
I won't show you the door
Leading to where I'm sore
Cause I know from before
where I'm bleeding, you pour
salt upon the vulnerable
 Jul 2015 Hades
Mbali S
Party Queen
 Jul 2015 Hades
Mbali S
Stuck in this empty place, with no saving grace.
This world is so consuming, we think we know what we're doing.

Without even thinking
I blink and then I'm drinking
Unconscious then I'm dreaming
of a place that's close to heaven
but I know I'm there cause I've sinned again.

Take me out this dreadful place
And bring me back to the party again.
Let the ethanol drown my soul.
Let the music be within me
so I can drop to the beat
that brings the heat,
when I dance with my feet.

So listen to the words I say,
Cause the party queen doesn't come out during the day.

— The End —