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Gwen Pimentel Nov 2013
I didn't know what love was
til I met you
I thought I knew what hurt meant
but I guess I was wrong
You opened my eyes
to new things
You opened your arms
for me on my saddest days
but most especially
You opened my heart
to new feelings

I thought what we had
was 'love'
But until now
I still don't know
what 'love' is
But I surely do know
what hurt is
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
If you're so bad for me
Then tell me, why
Do the best parts of me
Come out when I'm with you?
Gwen Pimentel Sep 2014
I often think of endings for my poems
But I just don't know where to start
Maybe because that's what matters --
The end, not the start
Gwen Pimentel Dec 2014
I feel like a writer
Trapped inside a body
Which has absolutely no idea
How to put
Thoughts into words
Gwen Pimentel Dec 2014
How funny is it
That I found my own comfort
With merely my ears
Nak ng humuhugot dahil sa piano.. Dis is wat xmas break is all about
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
i found myself
when i lost you
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
I loved you
Like you were the last
Breath of oxygen
I would ever have

And she loved you
Like you were just
A piece of gum —
Ready to be thrown away
When she decided she was done with you
Gwen Pimentel Feb 2015
According to statistics
You spend at least a third of your whole life waiting
Waiting for a pail to fill
Waiting for your turn in line
Waiting for the right time

Well allow me to tell you something
Time was but a concept made by humans
in an attempt to have a sense of order in their barbaric lives
Time is made up which means
Time doesn't actually exist
And if time was made by humans
Then time can be defied by humans

Waiting for the right time?
More like wasting your time
Stop beating around the bush
Stop sugar coating everything
Take the moment and make it the right time
Take the now and make it your now

Tell that stranger that he looks good today
Buy yourself a bouquet of flowers
Eat that chocolate lava cake you've been craving for
Run that extra mile
Tell her you love her
Tell her how much she means to you
Fight for her

Because even if
Time is made up
And time doesn't actually exist
Your time runs out
And sometimes the time we are given on this earth isn't enough
We do not control how much time we have on our hands
We do not know when the hourglass will run out
We do not know when the game is finally over

And some day when you least expect it
Time will run out
You will run out of seconds, of minutes, of hours and of days
To do all the things you want to do
To say all the things you want to say
To love everything you want to love

And before you know it
You'll spend your last few breaths --
Your last few moments of time
Full of regret
"Why did I wait?"
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
isn't it amazing
how words
can pierce through your soul
and feel like a gun shot,
a sword,
and death
all at once.
Gwen Pimentel Feb 2015
what hurts is
to me you were special
but to you I was just another girl
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
Do we take
The best parts of us
And give them to others
Only so they can destroy us

Do we put
Our happiness
In someone else's hands
Only so they can crush it to pieces

Do we give
Everything we have
To people who don't even
Give a **** about our existence

Do we allow
Our feelings to be played with
And complain
When we get hurt

After all this
Do we still choose to love?
Gwen Pimentel Nov 2013
I am in love with my bestfriend

Well I don't know if he considers me his bestfriend
He's one of the few who I can laugh with
And at the same time, cry with
Isn't that what a bestfriend is?

I've known him for 2 years or so
We are both the corniest people
He said, "You're the only one
Who really understands my weirdness"
And I said the same

He's a ladies man
And I've been there for him
Each time a girl breaks his heart
Each time he's left crying
Every single time, I was there

Now, he has a new girl
And we've drifted so much
We don't talk as much as before
It hurts because
I'm close to the girl
And I knew him longer
And we used to talk about
How much of a flirt she can be
And now, he loves her so much
And would do anything for her

I think I'm fine with that
Because she makes him happy
But I pray she doesn't hurt him again
Because I can't stand to see him sad
I don't want to be a home wrecker
Because I know how that feels

But another part of my body says
"Why aren't I the one with him?"
"Haven't we grown so close?"
"Why am I invisible to him?"

I wish you'd see me
Ps if anyone sees this I am not in love I just like him lol just said that for the sake of the poem

"The best way to get over someone is to turn them into literature"
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
it can get so
devastatingly &
having no one to run to? or talk to in the middle of the night? no one to understand what you're going through? no one to be there no matter what even when you grow older? pretty **** lonely.
Gwen Pimentel Feb 2015
I fell
for you
word by word
Gwen Pimentel Feb 2015
And if I could ever write a poem that would embody
Your love
i swear
I would


Whenever I'd try to write You down
And immortalize You through words
I end up with a blank page staring at me
Because my words do not give justice
To the beauty of You and Your creation
Gwen Pimentel Feb 2015
When words do not give justice
And hugs do not suffice
There is absolutely nothing left to do but
Gwen Pimentel May 2014
So today I saw your instagram
I mean not that I'm trying to avoid it

Ok fine maybe I am
And maybe I miss you
Just a bit kinda a lot not so much

Maybe I still think about you
When I shouldn't
Gwen Pimentel Sep 2014
Your eyes
As blue as the sky
Your smile
As bright as a sunny day
Your body
As breathtaking as the view
Your voice
As sweet as birds chirping in the morning

Comes the rain
Everything comes crashing down
We come crashing down

Your eyes
As angry as the lightning during a storm
Your smile
As fake as that plastic floating in the flood
Your body
As powerful & hurtful as a typhoon
Your voice
As loud as the raindrops falling on my roof

Goes my feelings for you
Gwen Pimentel Nov 2013
When I see you
My palms start to sweat
My pulse starts to quicken
My foot, an endless tapping of a nervous beat
Fixing my hair, smelling myself
"Do I look okay?"
If we were in the dark I could brighten the whole room
That's how bright my eyes light up when I see you
If you were to attach me to a heart monitor
It would probably explode
Because my heart beats so fast
When I see you
Gwen Pimentel Oct 2013
When I was younger, I wanted to grow older
I couldn't wait til I was taller
So I could finally ride the rollercoaster

Adults seemed like they were always right
Always the ones scolding, not putting up a fight
As if they had no problems and their burden was light

They had no projects & homeworks
No papers, theses & essays
No cramming, just relaxing

But as I grew older, I wanted to be younger

So I could get away from my boss
So all the paperworks would be lost
So I won't have to work just for so much cost

I miss my mom at night comforting me after a nightmare
I miss when we'd run around in underwear and no one would care
I miss eating grandma's cookies, and wishing I had more share

Those were the days with no responsibilities, full of carelessness
My biggest problem was choosing what color to use for my princess
Or what color I'd pick next for my braces

But growing up is inevitable

Just like how the sun rises and sets
Just like how we made careless mistakes
Just like how we had to learn the hard way

So while you're young, embrace it
Live every moment to the fullest
Make mistakes, take risks, never let an opportunity pass

Because life is too short for that

— The End —