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741 · Jun 2016
Gretl Feeson Jun 2016
Fire knows no bounds
flames flicker, so flirtatious —
beauty burned away
702 · Jun 2016
Gretl Feeson Jun 2016
Red breasted minion
peaceful yet inquisitive —
natures morning choir
685 · Jun 2016
Gretl Feeson Jun 2016
Rain battered window
droplets paint the glass, daydream —
nature so abstract
A haiku poem from My eyes only collection.
608 · May 2016
Gretl Feeson May 2016
Cruelest is the man who sits and says nothing
Stand alone stare with a harrowing message
Or maybe it’s the poorest, crudest of man
Who we all brand as vicious, biting off hands
But then what of the angry indignant man
The one who feels drained with no moral compass
Moans and groans develops own brands of justice
Then there’s the soldier in all different shapes
Who plunders and kills or kidnaps and rapes
No words for the actions of each head of state
No words for the actions of the man who wont stand
No words for all those who play life at high stakes

Doesn’t life burn you when spending it thinking
So here we all are; fast living and sinking
416 · Jan 2016
Take these emotions
Gretl Feeson Jan 2016
Take these emotions
Take them all if you must
There’s nothing inside here
Certainly not trust
There’s fools love
Affection and lust
Intolerable longing
Go, turn it to dust

So please just take these emotions
Take them all if you must
I’m long past my limit
Refuse to discuss
Pressure be building
No time to adjust
Shake like a leaf
That’s it, that’s enough

— The End —