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Yehudit stood
by the window
of the bedroom
looking out

at the garden below
Baruch  lay
on the bed
taking in

her figure
standing there
after having
made love

in his bed
I like your apple orchard
she said
the blossom

makes it
so beautiful
not as beautiful
as you

he said
taking in
her nakedness
the sunlight touching

her profile
she smiled
the blossom
is more beautiful

than I am
she said
come back to bed
he said

she turned
and walked back
to the bed
and lay beside him

I’ll have to go soon
she said
your mother
will be returning

from her work soon
he watched her eyes
the flush
about her skin

I know
he said
guess we best
get dressed

and I’ll walk you
back home
she kissed him
and he caressed her

and she ran a hand
along his thigh
shame we have to go
she said

he kissed her
and said
can't risk being here
when Mother returns

or she'll put
2 +2 and come up
with 5
Yehudit sighed

and moved off
the bed
and began to dress
into her underclothes

and orange flower
patterned dress
he got up
and began to get dressed

looking at her nakedness
disappear into clothes
the memory
of their love making

fresh in his mind
her apple scent
her body supple
her peasant look

her simplicity
the kissing
the holding
the bodies interacting

he asked
she nodded
and they went down

the stairs
and out the back door
and along the path
by the apple orchard

and out the back gate
into the woods
there was birdsong
and a warm air

and smell of the farm  
beyond the woods
back to work tomorrow
she said

my half day
spent making love
they kissed
and he walked her

through the woods
to her house
along the small road
at the edge of the field

by the farmed land
he holding her
warm hand.
all I'll remember from this April

is you

leaving me.
 Apr 2014 Giavanna Corriero
Sometimes I walk,
but most days
I am running away
in the stillness
my restless mind
is cradled by
maybe my biggest mistake
was never learning how
to regret you
in the end,
we're all
                                                                           *"time of death"
a  m
that   you
are  made  of
s  t   a  r   d  u  s  t
and  water  balloons,
oil  pastels  and  the
collecti­on          of
settled     sugar
at             the
b o t  t o m
of      my
c u p s
o     f
t e a
 Apr 2014 Giavanna Corriero
I love you
You hate me
Let’s agree
To disagree
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