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The process of
                                                     forgetting you
makes it more obvious fact
that I will keep
                                                         remembering you
while trying hard to forget
                                                          you & me!
After months of all these,
I arrive at a
                                          conclusion -
that I cannot forget you ever.
You inspire
                                           my universe.
And no matter how much it hurts
I cannot let go of
                                                your memories
which inspires &
rekindles me everyday
to be a
                                 part of you.
With tears in my eyes
but smile in my lips
I am
                                        more wise now.

Unconditional love of inspiration.
A ode to my beloved former lover.
 May 2017 Geetha Jayakumar
What is the sky
but a canvas for clouds?
What is a city
but a canvas for crowds?
What is the meadow
so verdant and green
but a canvas for sheep
a pastoral scene?
What is the ocean
with reflections so blue,
than a canvas for sails
as they drift into view?
I think I shall paint...
A king fisher
swooped down
over the silent lake
A flash
of amber and blue
Bobbed up
with a sloshing silver fish
from its beak
like an ornate pendant
Something that surprised me and a sight that I really enjoyed!
 May 2017 Geetha Jayakumar
 May 2017 Geetha Jayakumar
he was dead
still searching...
for the
meaning of life
( Sonnet )*

Under the primrose stars, the lovers
Lie abed, on green, threadbare croft
Of sleeping daisy, clover and moss,
Trails with hushed air, an embroidery
So fine as to stitch blushing heart fall
And wrap the waters full of quietude
In graces, winding, soft, granulating
Time, wings flutter and hum, winsome
Sparks, fire white, flying as little suns
Burst confetti, in sweet encampment,
Of grass and sapling wood, innocents,
Charmed are wholly twining, in moon
Rise a lantern to the winking heavens,
Out of their skins they are climbing.
Re: a poem of mine, finally being chosen as 'The Daily Poem' ( it only took over five years )

First, I'd like to thank all the fine writers and readers on HP for your lovely comments and support.

As an earnest and hopeful poet, who has been here, posting poems nearly since the beginning of 'Hello Poetry'
I'd like to thank the HP - daily poet - algorithm for finally choosing one of the hundreds of poems I've listed here.
Perhaps the ghost in the machine has a heart after all?
Separate beds and shades
Of reds. Intimacy is
A ****** handprint.
A haiku for every lover.
As the sun moves to the western horizon
Colors are skilfully blended in a palette
In an instant the sky becomes an exquisite canvas of art
Making even Van Gogh burn in jealousy

With the last glimmer of sunset
When the shadows chase the light,
The aerial folks fly back to their nests
Like black and white specks dotting the sky

With a dark drape stretched across the Earth’s face
The arrival of the night is a spectacular sight
Cicadas and crickets welcome her with their ceremonious band
And street lamps blink their eyes to catch a better view

While truant clouds still wander around aimless
The cerulean sky signals them to hurry
Stars slowly appear in the night sky
Like sequins stitched on to a blue brocade

The crescent moon smiles down
The empress of the night, proud and regal
She and her retinue keep guard over the slumbering Earth
The unpaid sentries of the night!

A gentle breeze makes a palanquin ride
Wafting in the scent of opening buds
The beauty of the night sends me to raptures
My heart exploding like foaming wine in a bottle

Yet I cannot but keep wondering
How many dark secrets
The night holds
Within her tenebrous folds!
What a pleasant surprise, this poem is made the daily. Thanks to everyone for making it possible through your likes and kind comments. These days I can't see the daily and I don't know where to look for it. The site is sometimes quite tricky.....Thanks a lot once again !
In fear loaded times
Will a mask
That blends with all
Does not claim sides
Speaks of nothing
Stands for no one
Keep one safe?
To walk in crowds
Or hide behind doors
Doing nothing
Offending no one
Make us loved?
And where to hide
When a voice roars
Or fist bomb drops
In a corner
School or mall?

Sent from my iPad
Like a raging storm
engulfing the thick sheets
of the ominous sky,
your impeccable smile
swept up every fragment
that was ever left
of my wandering heart
in smooth,
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