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7.1k · May 2013
Seductive Eskimo Kisses
FrannyFoo May 2013
Lip Biting
Nose kissing
To something that feels so real,
So alive that it is as if it lives and breathes
One single entity
Brought bubbling to the surface
By the power of one question:
Did you miss me?
2.0k · Mar 2013
FrannyFoo Mar 2013
Get over yourself, you aren't that good.
1.8k · Feb 2013
On the 28th
FrannyFoo Feb 2013
Bobby-pin, the anchor to the thin cloth of a once bleak school career
Pulled out like the pin of a grenade
Suddenly gone, where do I go? Do I run?
Take cover? to whom do I turn?
These constant goodbyes are the never ending logarithm, unsolvable without my bobby-pin.
dedicated to my favorite math teacher who will be leaving this next month. I will miss you Bobby Beckom.
1.4k · Mar 2013
FrannyFoo Mar 2013
The lights hurt my eyes.
Don't stop smiling.
Remember to **** in.
You stopped smiling.
Don't look down.
Oops you messed up.
Forgot that extra step.
The heat is of the sun's surface.
Try not to sweat off your makeup.
Also, close your eyes for a second,
And remember, you live for this.
987 · Feb 2013
FrannyFoo Feb 2013
And that polar bear was my friend

Never understanding the migration patterns,

Of which there are none; stand still and live.

Polar bears are meant to adapt to the cold,

The biting air and piercing words of others.

When life pukes on your ice, eat it,

That is what polar bears do... right?

I can be that warm coat to protect you, day,

And night, claws that rip and tear.

I would love to be there for you,

And that polar bear was my friend.
dedicated to my best friend Melissa, who struggles and yet lives life to the best of her ability. <3
899 · Oct 2013
FrannyFoo Oct 2013
The train near our house
cried out mournfully.
Screaming nooooo
every day.
And no one listens
nobody understands.
That it fears
its destination.

I wish I could stand up
make it stop.
Because the screaming
hurts my heart.
If it didn't stop for me,
at least I wouldn't have to hear
that terrible sound
ever again.
894 · Apr 2013
FrannyFoo Apr 2013
Where would you like to meet?
the library
Really? Okay... When?
1:00, unless you want to get lunch before
Lunch? Nah, I'm good... I... don't... eat...
well I mean, yeah totally, cool
I mean, we can do whatever.
No yeah, library, perfect place for a date.
Yup, You don't know how to propose a lunch date.
Kay. See you then
bye sweet

I love that about you.
I crave these conversations,
I know they make you blush.
They make me smile.
You wanted this date to be perfect.
And so you chose a library.
Chose the place you would be most cozy.
Chose the place where we had our first kiss.
Yes, I remembered. How could I forget.
See you then, my socially-awkward, beautiful boy.
837 · Mar 2013
FrannyFoo Mar 2013
I hate the sound of your voice.
Telling me what to do,
where to go, who to see.

So early in the the morning.
I have to summon all of my strength
To obey your word.

So shrill and rude.
Never saying please, not once
I always listen, always care.

Take heed, someday I won't listen
Someday your lamentation will be heard down the hall
And I will sit alone
Not giving a ****.

Cause you never thought to ask kindly
And I never defied your will.
764 · Mar 2013
Hands Up
FrannyFoo Mar 2013
We sat and talked
Wondering when this dream would end
Going seperate ways
It never occurred to us.
In a matter of time we would be alone.
Like a mustache without a lone gunman,
Completely and utterly alone.
My loves
731 · Mar 2013
FrannyFoo Mar 2013
There is a girl I met today,
Who stood out among all others.
Straight as a I tight rope
I told her she was gorgeous.
She blushed, the warmth,
I almost melted.
What is going on?
How can this girl, only this girl,
Make me feel this way?
Still never will compare
To the love I am in now.
Yet her soul was too beautiful to surpass.
Her smile, her laugh, her clothing, her voice,
I want to keep them with me forever.
for the record, she told me i was also gorgeous and i gave her my name to add me on fb... she was perfect... tentatively awaiting that friend request. Made my day. <3
708 · Jul 2013
Joe's Os and Drug Deals
FrannyFoo Jul 2013
This friendship
Is like cookie butter
It is surprisingly addictive,
Highly enjoyable,
Gone far too quickly.

Until you go buy more.
This isn't the end. It is only the beginning of a very long friendship. <3 Tori Gray
703 · Mar 2013
Another Misguided Organ
FrannyFoo Mar 2013
I don't know what makes me
Fall in love so easily.
The heart ache is excruciating.
Yet I can't be trained to stop
And think of the consequences.
I don't want it here anymore
To wound me over and over again.
Because it happens with everyone
Almost every soul has a redeeming quality.
It is the quality, not the person
With whom I fall in love.
Every single time, no matter the day
But I don't understand my heart.
I want these people to be boring,
Lame, narcissistic, squabbling pigs.
Yet I know I would find something
To make me fall once again.
Years later editing this poem and my heart still does the same
691 · Mar 2013
FrannyFoo Mar 2013
Are we not together you and I?
Should we share our affection in private?
Safe from the piercing daggers
Hidden from the wandering eyes

Never had I felt more alone
That moment when you vanished
And all that was left
Was a lingering scent of longing

Two weeks couldn't come faster
Counting down the days to bliss
The reverse blastoff that slows
To a snales pace, a dead crawl

All I ever wanted was you
Only you, substitutes be ******
No more mindless loves, afterall
Are we not together, you and I?
Wishing it could be real, knowing I have 5 months until I leave.
676 · Feb 2013
Making Honey
FrannyFoo Feb 2013
Goodbye bumble bee
You shall no longer bumble,
Or sweep down to taste the sweet nectar.
A hive mind; did they feel it when you were crushed?
665 · Feb 2013
spicy foods make you happy
FrannyFoo Feb 2013
I hate the way I look,
can't stand the people I see,
sitting alone is a new pastime,
my parents think I'm lonely,
always say they care,
but talking isn't my thing,
and speaking with you hurts,
yet I subject myself to pain,
when the dancing brings back memories,
hide inside a hole,
and hope that no one notices,
the fact that I have broken.
624 · Jun 2013
FrannyFoo Jun 2013
It is hard for me to find anything anymore Beautiful.
I get lost in his eyes, his voice, his arms.
I have lost my sight, as it turns out the world is only half as colorful without him.

I have lost my hearing, the words he spoke, ringing in my head drown make reality sound barbaric.
I have lost the ability to feel, surfaces other than that of skin disappear under my fingers, become numb.
All lost because of this want to feel.
all other friends, left standing alone.
So that I don't seem so lonely, like the person I used to be.

I am lost
But it is clarity
In losing myself, I have gained the ability to see myself, my true self
And I am Beautiful.
first poem in a while.
623 · Mar 2013
Meaningless Descriptions
FrannyFoo Mar 2013
I want to write a poem about him
About how absolutely perfect he is
About how his smile makes me melt
And every time I see him time stands still

But I can't

People who read could never understand
The most painful time without him
Is the week after he leaves me
And the three days before he returns
Everything in between is only a little less excruciating

I just can't

His beauty really surpasses all others:
Soft hair, the color of a morning sunrise
Eyes the color of a blue bird's egg
A body chiseled by gods

How can I?

The way he talks is almost foreign
Never have I met a more intelligent person
To be treated like an equal is refreshing
He doesn't know he is terrific, perfect, stunning.

I won't ever do him justice.
How could he ever want me. He deserves someone of equal status. <3
FrannyFoo Feb 2013
He stood there, for the first time in God knows how long.
I couldn't breathe, he was chatting with some friends and didn't notice me.
Realizing I had stopped walking, Calmly I got my barings back.
He saw me,
Sheer panic
Do I have that look of longing on my face still?
The next few minutes are a blur, all I know is we talked like normal people.
Not two people in movies who suddenly realized they were in love.
The normal friendly kind of people, I wish it were otherwise.
I hope no one can hear my heart beating as fast as it is.
Or see that first secret halt in movement before a sane mind was found.
Conflicted feelings wish he would have never come back.
No one wants to say goodbye.
Those firm arms and whispered words are never enough.
But we pretend, we pretend everything will be fine.
We fall.
Alone again.
581 · May 2013
Beautiful Boy
FrannyFoo May 2013
I got to watch you dance with a fiery passion almost as rich and beautiful as your hair.
I got to look into your bright blue eyes, cold as the breeze that blows against our necks.
Our noses kissed, then our mouths and all was clear, all was well.
Silly Boy, you watched me falter in every other combination, smiling like a fool.
I leave without you, but there will be other times, other occasions to see my beautiful boy.
I love you. I always will
FrannyFoo Feb 2013
I heard a song on some station
with lyrics about someone leaving
they reminded me of you
And I wanted to remember the song forever
but I couldn't find it later.
Something to do with leaving
something about being alone
never knew you even cared
not until you were gone.
Please find this song for me
this poem is a subtle hint
I don't remember the melody or lyrics
I only know it reminds me of you.
506 · Feb 2013
Not another Lion
FrannyFoo Feb 2013
How could the color red be so welcoming?
Never before had I realized how stunning orange could be.
The sun hides behind the clouds out of sheer shame.
504 · Feb 2013
FrannyFoo Feb 2013
I never missed this feeling of being alone
Maybe because it never truly left.

I assumed someone would be there
One person giving words to mindless actions.

No one even tries to pretend anymore
They all found someone new to hold.

Does that mean that I am no longer enough,
That my body can be thrown away.

This crucial time when my body is my own.
Exploring is all I want to do, to feel, to notice.

Yet no one even gives me a passing glance
The ones who stop to look, add their own disclaimer.

I am glad I got to be the one,
Who helped them all to find their way in the dark.

The one to show them how the world looks
Open their eyes to her beauty and grace.

They told me their problems and I solved the puzzle
"Go to her" "Get over it" "Don't mind me"

I just wish for once, someone would be that friend for me.
But they are blind.

For now I will welcome the lonely
And hope that this feeling will always be here for me.

Because that is all I have left.
488 · May 2020
FrannyFoo May 2020
I felt it last night
That feeling of empty.
When you blindly throw trust,
And hungry hands choke it to death.
I couldn't breath.
Skin raw and stung,
You burnt me with a fiery poker,
Branding me a fool.
Calling me out for my desperate need
To be longed for.
I felt numb as you held me.
Yet too hot.
Walls closed in.
I stared at your ceiling,
Wondering when it was okay to leave.
Collect my pride from the floor and go.
I am just a piece of meat
I forgot,
Thank you for reminding me of who I am.

Those moments you left me to my thoughts,
I felt a familiar warmth.
Slightly comforting being alone next to someone

(Slightly messed up is what it is)

I felt slightly nothing.

When I left, your back was turned.
And I could breathe again.
As if I had been holding my breath for 14 hours.
(You had me for 14 hours)
That's how long it takes to learn.
I found money on my way out,
I stole it.
I felt I deserved it.
You wasted me
My time
My body
You insulted my intelligence.
I stole cigarettes as well.
To pull the life back into my lungs.
Funny how something so intimate and personal,
Can become a power grab.
That's when I tune out.
Go limp, numb, turn off my brain.
I wish you had paid me...
Give me a good Yelp review at least
5 stars
I felt scared.
479 · Apr 2013
He was alive, once
FrannyFoo Apr 2013
I can't help but wonder
How he used to cry.
Did he wail at the top of his lungs?
Or did he silently weep?

I can't help but think
About what he called his parents.
Mother? Father? Jane and John?
Or some sickly sweet pet name?

These thoughts fill my mind
Along with his contagious laugh.
His smile, his eyes,
His dying breath, soft, broken.

I plead for them to leave
Go, get out while they still can.
Before I explode, as he did,
Into undefined pieces of flesh.

I never knew him,
The man he wouldn't grow up to be.
So why is it that he had to leave
And leave his image with me?

Be at peace,
That is all I want,
Just do it without my help.
Without the added pain.
Keeping all those in Boston close to my heart, stay strong <3 . Also for the eight year old who was killed.
479 · Feb 2013
My sweet red
FrannyFoo Feb 2013
Three years I waited,
I watched you become more and more awkward.
Three years we were partners,
asking for your ****** preference and receiving nothing.
Three years and then you up and left,
and when you returned I showed my feelings.
Three years you said, these emotions last,
and yet you never had the courage to do what I did.
Three years and I finally felt,
the soft touch of your lips on mine,
sinfully delicious.
Three years, I had never imagined, perfection,
yet you leave as soon as they call you again.
Three years and I am leaving,
for the same reasons you yourself cherish.
Three words I will never hear you say,
I love you, but what does that seem to matter?
Ben, my sweet red. I miss you.
477 · Apr 2013
Takes Time
FrannyFoo Apr 2013
That moment of relief,
Flooding in making you believe
The teary goodbyes never happened.
What is the point of Spring Break,
When the one person I want to see
Is deciding how he feels.
There is time for that later,
Now I can find a plethora of good
For the stolen kisses and cow eyes.
Every single day I will wait,
For an invitation to be in your presence
For you to want me again.
Thank God you are back,
That I can feel your breath on my neck again
What a relief to remember home.
473 · Feb 2013
Broken Friends
FrannyFoo Feb 2013
And they loved me,
I held their hands while they cried,
brought the tissues to every period,
beat my brain for resolutions to shoddy problems,
listening day by day to a broken record,
And they loved me for it.

I hurt more and more, silent
Family not knowing what to think,
grounded for the first time in 5 years,
alone because of the love I give
and they never noticed.

I did what I do, played me
divorce, heartbreak, panic attacks,
there I was, with a kind word
And I became broken.

the sadness that was theirs was mine,
I take that burden, it grows
never stops growing, day
after day, after day, after day
and they kept being sad,
And I was always alone.

Silence, don't say a word,
I will make it worse for them
never worry about myself,
just because I have attacks,
Cut, my family was fine
And never will be the same again.

Until I changed, they never noticed
the only ones to notice were my parents
and they loved me... My friends, they did love me until I opened my mouth,
They loved me.
Wow... Was I angsty or what?! ****. Sorry! Ahaha
450 · Mar 2013
FrannyFoo Mar 2013
It never stopped,
Never halted.
Never ceased to amaze.
The beauty of this rain,
And the strength.
With which it crushed
the breath of many.
420 · Mar 2013
FrannyFoo Mar 2013
Spring break
3 days away
So close
I can feel
Warm breath
New life
And yet...
Snow fell,
2 days past,
Making us think
We no longer lived
418 · Feb 2013
FrannyFoo Feb 2013
She sat in the corner
No one saw
Twitching and hiding her prize
It writhed and curled
Then suddenly became still
And the spider, full,
Was alone again.
FrannyFoo Mar 2013
"I miss you more than ever"
"I miss you too"

Only wanting to say "I love you"
over and over again until he believes
that he is the only one.

But I won't.
more meaningless thoughts about my red.
409 · Mar 2013
FrannyFoo Mar 2013
D' amount of anger cannot be expressed
D' joke got old about five lines ago.
please leave.
I don't want you in my car.
399 · Mar 2013
These Days
FrannyFoo Mar 2013
The days grow longer and longer
Because you never came home
Because every time I close my eyes
Your face is behind these moist lids
A day became a week within seconds
Thinking you would be safe soon
But that was just a dream
No worries. These days that's all I do
Wait, forever, these days.
373 · Jan 2017
FrannyFoo Jan 2017
I have been staring at a piece of paper for weeks
Trying to think of something to write about you
And I can't
To put all of my heart onto one piece of paper, impossible
Try to explain away someone who shares a part of my soul, unthinkable
You are my world, you inhabit the space between my ribs
How do I put that to words
337 · May 2020
FrannyFoo May 2020
You are not like the rain
You never teased my skin
Planting ideas in my head
That grew roots in my heart
The acid Dripping from your tongue,
You burnt me.

The storm raged

The waters haven't calmed since.
I felt love, I Feel love, I bleed hurt
And long for a tsunami
To sweep me from this nightmare.
Come back
Break my skin
Show me what it feels like to love again.
Let me dance in the toxicity
And bathe in the poison
Your scent
Your fumes
A fresh rain falls
I'm drawn back in

Let me drown
269 · May 2020
FrannyFoo May 2020
Let's die slowly
In each other's company
In each other's arms
In the space between each glance

— The End —