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If I hadn't fallen in love
I would have not known
that stars could dance in the eyes
That the moon could whisk me away
That the sun could live in the heart
and warm it and fill it with light
That clouds could shower kisses
And rain could touch like a lover
That the scent of flowers
could linger through the night
That the winds could play love melodies
That sunrises could colour a blush
And sunsets stir romance
That dreams could glisten at dawn
like drops of dew

I would have not known the magic
that is love
If I hadn't fallen in love
With you
Dear everyone, thank you so so much for your beautiful responses. I am unable to thank everyone individually because of work and personal commitments...I apologise. But your responses mean the world to me. Thank you for liking my poem, for sharing it, for commenting on it. I am so happy that this poem was selected brightened my day and brought a smile on my face. Thank you once again. Love to all you talented writers, poets and gracious readers **

“Nature” is what we see—
The Hill—the Afternoon—
Squirrel—Eclipse—the Bumble bee—
Nay—Nature is Heaven—
Nature is what we hear—
The Bobolink—the Sea—
Thunder—the Cricket—
Nay—Nature is Harmony—
Nature is what we know—
Yet have no art to say—
So impotent Our Wisdom is
To her Simplicity.
 Apr 2016 fiona renee
Ellie Sora
I ask myself again and again
“Should I be so scared of life?”
“Is it normal to feel this pain?”
“Should I take the knife?”

You left me broken and alone
You didn’t even give me time to pack
You threw me out in the cold like stone
You didn’t even take a look back

And here I am, still thinking of you
I don’t even know why I keep you in my head
After everything we’ve been through
Instead, I should be looking ahead

So why? Why can’t I forget?
Forget the words, the way you think
Forget that we have ever met
Forget everything in just one blink

It’s easy,... only now and then
My heart still wants to live in past
It wants to be able to talk with you again
It wants to ask all questions that it never asked

And here I am, hating on my heart
Because I should know that you’re not worth it
But, I guess, I’m just not that smart
Even though I bet you don’t care a single bit

You’re not worth my tears, I know
But I still feel for you, I still cry
Maybe someday I will grow
And hopeFULLY then I’ll say “Goodbye”

How can I forget everything you made me feel?
How can I not miss every word you said to me?
How can I glue the pieces of my heart to make it heal?
How can I be happy, when you’re the one that made me be?

And now you’re nowhere
And I am here
And it’s not fair
That this will never reach your ear

Now you’re gone
So congratulations
I think you won
You broke our relations
 Apr 2016 fiona renee
Every thing Iv been told in life is a lie
Iv never felt so alone
In the dark
It used be a safe haven
Now I feel  vulnerable,
Weak as new born
How did I get this way
Was it you that stabbed me
Was it you that crippled me

I know longer know who to trust
All these words sound same
From everyone
I care for you
I love you
But in the end
You all stab me in the back

I'll lay here in my dark corner
To die
for  all I got
is me myself and i
 Apr 2016 fiona renee
KD Miller
"Rappelez-vous l'objet que nous vîmes, mon âme,
Ce beau matin d'été si doux:
Au détour d'un sentier une charogne infâme
Sur un lit semé de cailloux?"

"My love, do you recall the object which we saw,
That fair, sweet, summer morn!
At a turn in the path, a foul carcass
On a gravel strewn bed?
Charles Baudelaire

I sat on the mossy footstool
that lied by the brook-
I had to really open my ears
to hear the soft regurgitation
coming from the clear muddy water, gliding over the slate,
piled up
the road, the one I drove on that one day we snuck out,
was placed gently beside it,
uptop a little cliff,
I felt this a beatific metaphor.

The air felt amorphous,
held a quality I couldn't quite
put my finger on.
and then I saw a tree,

a crooked one
who had seemed to grow
on the bank of the creek
because life, it seems, imitates art.

Its trunk dipped
until it ever so slightly grazed the water
its elm fingers

I smiled when I saw this,
for it gave me hope.
I likened myself to the horseflies and new
tadpoles that flittered,

seraphic in quality,
borne with the quality of new life- the innocent quality
the one that just made me feel tainted, the more I surrounded myself with it.

The Friday afternoons on the avenue, with its port wine air
and this bubbling black slate brook

are the only places
that innocence lives-
if I had realized how quiet
the soft gargling of the cherub water was

I'd have stopped the car
and baptized ourselves
In it.
 Apr 2016 fiona renee
we have lonely hearts,
and hungry hands,
and we want to love,
but we don't know how.
we have tired eyes,
and achy lips,
and we want to love,
but we don't know how.
we have too many thoughts
and no one to listen,
and we just want to love,
but we don't know how.
we have so much to give
and no one to take
and we will probably always be alone.
we have shaky hands
that only hold pens
and trembling lips
that only kiss cigarettes
and watery eyes
that never know how to look okay.
we are the ones you forget you raised this way,
teaching us fear
instead of how to love
or maybe just maybe we might know how.
we're the ones who make up things to believe in
to keep us going
and maybe we made up the concept of love
because we have no proof that it's real.

The saddest noise, the sweetest noise,
  The maddest noise that grows,—
The birds, they make it in the spring,
  At night’s delicious close.

Between the March and April line—
  That magical frontier
Beyond which summer hesitates,
  Almost too heavenly near.

It makes us think of all the dead
  That sauntered with us here,
By separation’s sorcery
  Made cruelly more dear.

It makes us think of what we had,
  And what we now deplore.
We almost wish those siren throats
  Would go and sing no more.

An ear can break a human heart
  As quickly as a spear,
We wish the ear had not a heart
  So dangerously near.

— The End —