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 Nov 2019 Fig
Anonymous Freak
Do you want to be in a relationship?

Do you?

 Sep 2018 Fig
 Sep 2018 Fig
Don’t release your *******
Just release my single
I don’t think it’s stunning
When that thing is jingle
******* taste like Pepsi-Cola
******* taste like Marabou
See a ***** – I say hola
Eat that thing like caribou
 Oct 2017 Fig
Kyle Horstmann
Im peculiar, I know it.
I always look well groomed
My polo buttons are always done
My hair is very conservative and rather plain to look at.
no extremes, no tattoos no piercings.
No coffee in my hand, or cigs in my mouth,
No drug abuse for me
And I'm ***-free.
People call me weak For being the kinda guy I am.
They don't understand, that by doing what im not doing, they're the weak ones!
You know easy it is to say YES your whole life? no inhibitions or rules put up for yourself.
nowhere to go and nowhere to be.
No higher power to keep you accountable.

You know how easy that would be? to deny truth and be "free".
But I am strong. I am strong in my god, For God is bigger than any mountain I'll ever have to climb. I take this truth and march up and down the highschool halls, with Banner WAVING PROUD!
So No to your worldly things and your so called "freedom".
Are you not prisoners of your own devices? and is not Godly love the only freeing thing? its you who ties you down. Your Manacles are crafted with  abominable sin,
A curable disease.

I invite all to repent and come to Christ. It really is the only way to get where we all want to go.
For Christ suffered for all the pains, afflictions, and transgressions that we commit.
He's paid the price for everybody already. Experiment on my words. Prove me wrong! Pray in the name of Christ, with your hearts door open.
Pray with Faith.
You'll feel it, Just like I have.
This world needs stronger people, Join me in the Ranks fellow Christian Soldier
I have seen so much  "Anti- Religion" and Anti-Mormon" talk on this site.
And Thats ok. we are a very peculiar people.
But let me tell you what this 16 year old Mormon Rock star has to say.
 Oct 2017 Fig
night shade
 Oct 2017 Fig
night shade
You can't recycle wasted time
You can't fix mistakes
You can only make amends
Mistakes come with time
Mistakes come with love
You write your future
Mistakes rewrite your future
You can make amends over time
Mistakes will last
Time will not
Time is limited
But there are infinite possibilities on how you use it.
Just something
 Sep 2017 Fig
Donall Dempsey

I remember drinking

pink champagne

from your pink

high heel shoes.

I remember making love

with you

wearing only

your pink high heel shoes.

I remember

how your pink high heel shoes


candle holders


(where you stashed your hash)

deadly weapons

in an...OW!...row!

& you ask me

do I remember

your pink high heel shoes?

Do I?

I do!
 Sep 2017 Fig
night shade
Dissapointment is a part of life,
Sent through by the power of love,
Failure will bring dissapointment,
But love is the creator.

Dissapointment will stay,
While love can leave,
You could end up alone,
Inside of your home,
But the feeling will never go.
Dissapointment is a part of life.
 Feb 2017 Fig
Cassidy Jackson
 Feb 2017 Fig
Cassidy Jackson
your warm breath against
my skin
your fingers tracing my ******* roughly

one of your hands move
intruding my space

this is not right
i do not want you here
i do not want you in my body

i say nothing
hoping you would read my mind
take a hint from my pleading eyes

my insides curl
as you take away my innocence

i am no longer myself
who i am...
is you
this is a very personal poem with words i just needed to get off my chest. i was ***** a little over a month ago and it changed me. i am no longer who i used to be. i am broken and used up. i wish i could go back in time and take back my moving steps towards his car
 Feb 2017 Fig
Annelise Camille

I see you
In the dark
In the light
When I crawl in bed
At night
I see you
In the men
That pass me
On the street
I see you
In the ones
I dare not to meet
I see you
In the silence
In the screams
I see you
In every dream
The one place I don't see you
Ironically -
In the mirror
Where I don't even see me.
TRIGGER WARNING: ****** violence
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