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 Jul 2014 Felicia R
I hate you with a passion. I hate that I bump into you in the hallways and how i always jam my toe on the side of you, on
your slick lean edges. Along with the time you hid my favorite shirt from me in your stash of collections, where you keep my
notes in your drawer of secrets. Don't let anyone in, close yourself up just like furniture you are. Silence thats all anyone
hears when they walk by you but not me. I can hear your legs creaking trying to keep you up, strong and tall like how you
should be. My mother wants to throw you away but i won't let her. She wants to replace you with a nice cherry wood drawer. But not me. I still adore your creaking legs, and your rusty knobs. I won't let her throw you away, i forgive you for all the splinters you gave me on my feet. I just want you to stay.


 Jul 2014 Felicia R
Trinity Jones
You taught me what it's like
And now I can't get it back
You've showed me a whole new world
And now I can't go back
It's like I've been
Invited in
Only to be locked out
I'm tired of standing in front of the bathroom mirror and picking myself apart every morning. I grab at the skin on my waist and ask myself "why?", I drag my fingers through my knotted hair in disgust and I pinch my thighs, wishing they would get smaller. I've been so set on being society's idea of perfection that I had not slowed down to notice how beautiful I really could be. The freckles running down my neck, like constellations in the northern sky, the curls in my hair laying over my shoulders and the roses blooming in my cheeks. I stood in the mirror and looked myself in the eyes and noticed my pupils darken and grow larger because I really do love myself. I used to only care about what you thought of me and the day you threw me away, I threw myself away too. But today, that's not the case. I'm picking myself back up and putting myself back together. I love who I am as a person and that's enough.
I remember how fast it went.
how everything changed when I started to fall for you.
I think it was a Tuesday that I first realized that I wanted to be around you more
it was the next Wednesday that I realized  liked you.
a month later I thought I was in love
in a year you made crash in burn in depths of the earth
you made me cry
you made me laugh
and to this day I still say your name when I'm thinking about him
its scary how similar you guys are
but you
you were completely different from everyone else
you made me feel different
and that scares me to the depths of my soul.
because you were my biggest regret and my hardest fall.
and you never once said I'm sorry..
Since I never got to say one to your face.
 Jul 2014 Felicia R
I once knew a man
who said,
"Invest while you can."
I told him I didn't have any money.
"Well, I can't help you then."

I once met this kid
who told me his sins.
I couldn't say why,
I hardly knew him.
"You've a trustworthy face,
and you're leaving tomorrow."
But I never asked to be burdened by his sorrow.

I once loved a girl
who became my world.
I clung to her every single last word.
Then she was gone
to leave me in silence.
I replaced it with noises of hatred and violence.

I once had a choice
to make something new,
but I still hear her voice
telling me what to do.

I once spent a night
with a spirited punk.
Willful and passionate,
but down on his luck.
We painted the town red
and made Down the new Up.

I once read a book
that spelled out my life.
A real page turner,
though I know it's all lies.

Someone once told me
not to live in the past.
"Be here right now,
the future comes fast."
But I often look back
to cry or to laugh,
and on nights such as these
I'll write epitaphs.
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