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Dead grass crunches beneath our feet
Wild onion rules the breeze
Winter arbors lay exposed and barren
Gravel roads are hard packed , abandoned
Capricious Blackbirds hold their power line
perch , day runs quiet across the frozen earth* ..
Copyright September 15 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Sung to the melody of
"Be Thou My Vision"*

O King of heaven
How Glorious Thou Art
Lord of my spirit
O Lord of my heart
You're ever gracious
You're my victory
I was in darkness
But in You I see

Father O Father
Your creation I love
You painted the sunsets
Made heaven above
I will sing praise to you
All the day long
I am your nightingale
You are my song

O gentle Savior
You're awesomely wise
Show me your people
You are my heart's eyes
Give me compassion
Your mercy to all
Give me Your voice
To lost souls I call

O Holy Spirit
Come rain on me now
Fill me with blessings
Your river to flow
Give me the wisdom
To honor what's right
Let me be salt
O let me be light

I am but ashes
My works are but rust
You've made me precious
Tho I am but dust
You are my Father
My Lover, my Friend
You are my righteousness
World without end

(C) 9/16/2016
I wrote these lyrics based on this hymn:

"Be Thou My Vision"
Sung by Selah

I was singing to the Lord this morning and I came to this song. It moved me to tears. I had to write. I wasn't going to post today, but felt led of the Lord to write this. I hope you enjoy it.

I've dedicated this poem to Becky Ramsey for her enjoyment over Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year... Blessings!

Thank you and God bless!

 Sep 2016 Fay Slimm
Will was drawn to that spot
spirits or not, something-body pulled him there
like a mystic magnet that attracts flesh

and flesh he found in that grove, between
a stubborn hackberry and twisted oak: mother and newborn,
their blood soaking the prairie grasses

he walked the hard mile to the pay phone
passing but one unfriendly ranch house on the way
a growling cur keeping him at bay

the operator connected him
with the sheriff who collected his one deputy
and was there in half an hour

Lord Almighty, Lord Almighty
the deputy kept saying, those chants hanging
in the hot air above the bodies  

while the sheriff checked for pulses,
his khaki pants painted round red at the knees
for he was too old to squat  

neither knew the girl, who couldn't
have been age of consent, but the baby looked pink,
strong, though still as stone

the ambulance couldn't make it there;
the driver and deputy carried them out
on one stretcher

both commenting how light
their fated cargo was, how it was a shame
they perished in that old copse

Will knew that was meant to be
when he found them: the little one first clinging
to a dark warm sea inside

forced out by time, her helpless heaving,
and some invisible hand that took part in all matters
of flesh, spirit and bone

the same hand that did not cradle them
but at least found them shade, a cool but cruel
reprieve from their terse time in the sun

Sweetwater, Texas, 1959

moon egg glistening
in nest of cloud
it's lain in shroud

the egg is symbolic
of the soul
the clouds devour
the moon egg

but this egg
won't be undone
it is lighted by the sun

so the cloud's belly
dark as night
shows an eerie

the moon egg glows
and softly sings
so the cloud's
wear a ring

moon egg coming
from the girth
gives the



(C) 8/10/2016
Another poem in my moon series. The half moon really looks like an egg. And it was up in the sky in a cloud that looked like a nest. That very Cloud devoured it. But it poured out such light that the entire edges of the clouds were backlit. Truly a beautiful sight!

Time for me to go to bed now.
I'll read more tomorrow
 Aug 2016 Fay Slimm
Prathipa Nair
White cotton ***** of clouds
Woven into black sheet of cloth
Embroidered with silver threads of lightning
Tied with glass pearls of rain
Slipping out of the cloth
Dropping on brown muddy table of ground
Drenching it to spread the scent throughout to
Deliver the news of rain's birth!
 Aug 2016 Fay Slimm
James Jarrett
Gone from this body
And flown
To fairer places
With no pain or travail
Gone but for the memory
And love left behind
Gone but for legacy and legend
Gone but for us
The three percent
Left behind
Mike Vanderboegh founder of the Three percent movement
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