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A boy asked God

"Could you please
give me patience? "

God to the boy

"I will send to you challenge! "

The boy to God

"I think we are not
On the same page
When I asked
You for patience
It is not for  a change! "

God to the boy

"Patience presupposes hassle,
In the remoulding
Process to render you
Tolerant and gentle!

Boy to God

"Yes hassle
To change
The peevish
To gentle
I shouldn't forget
Your omniscience mantle!
You break
Anew to make! "
Sometimes we need shock treatment to understand things
 Dec 2016 fasika berhane
Today is a muffinless morning.
I shouldn't have ignored the clock's warning,
As I wouldn't have been nearly late for tea
And find out that without muffins I would be.

Next time I'll remember to wake up on time
For tea without muffins is simply a crime!
With a muffinless morning, the day isn't right,
But least I can have muffins at tea time tonight.
 Dec 2016 fasika berhane
Dark and nostalgic,
like a cold atmosphere of night.
Brighter as glitters,
like the stars up in the sky.
                    Just like you,
beautiful and mesmerizing,
as i could see is your face.
Sweet and minuscule,
as i see my world inside your eyes.
It's pretty amusing,
like my aspiration and strange fascination
that i would like to reiterate
                       to you.
I can keep myself silent
but it's deafening like
deep inside my heart,
it shouts and bellows
that it'll make perfect,
                   to be with you.
You can be hard and fierce.
rough and rugged.
And if your love takes torture,
i can be mellower as what i see in your heart.
Passionate and reckless,
like obnoxious things.
but i can take it easy and simple.
it won't be hard.
It doesn't get any better than you.
Distance hurts
It touches you more than you can touch the other person
Distance hurts
Time and space both stretches infinitely, without a reason
Distance hurts
People change like postage stamps on a letter
Distance hurts
When you don't know if it's for the better
Distance hurts
You leave with them being as sweet as sugar
Distance hurts
When you come back and they seem so far
We think its our own strength or luck,but in the actual sense its grace.
We all pray,somehow,someway..
And being prey,we have no option but to pray,somehow,someway,someday.
Integrity and love filled,
Graced with a beautiful soul,
Greatest man to ever walk the earth..
Gentle and forgiving,
Humility unmatched,
And love unconditional.
JESUS CHRIST is the saviour.
Always ready to take us back as His own to love and to hold despite our faults..
Tearing off
Imperialists' mantle
True to his name Fidel
He had lit
To the oppressed masses
And to those in the dark
An much-needed candle.

Weighing things from
Fraternity's angle
And the truth,
Fidel was not remiss
In dispatching own troops
In far off beyonds
To fortify for freedom
Mounted battle.

Considerate Fidel had taught
Innumerable orphans,
Whose combatant fathers lost.

Frowning up on
Amassing personal wealth,
He was building
The human power
Of the 3rd world like Ethiopia,
Among others,
In agriculture and health!

To glittering things
While many leaders worried
To hanker for personal gain,
Fidel Castro,magnanimous,
Opted to assuage
The marginalized's pain.
For doing so
The shameless&bloodsucker;
Imperialists were trying
To **** him again and again.
Yes, Fidle was their bane!

Though Fidel is no more
His legacy we shall live to adore!//

Fiedel Castro was a true friend of Ethiopia!
Fiedel Castro was a true friend of Ethiopia or the whole world for that matter!
Beauty standards!! I wonder who comes up with those,.. society?? But we are the society.. why do we come up with things against ourselves?
Making women and men feel bad about themselves just to advertise products.
Telling them,they are not good enough and will continue to be not good enough until they use that which is being sold.
Its sad really.. our insecurities are their adverts,. Whats sad is they give the solution but it leaves our minds the same,immediately after "fixing" the "defect" we look for another one..
The best solution is to know that true beauty is skindeep and judging people by outward appearance is not fair.
Real beauty lies inside of us,its good to look good and feel good.. but focusing on the outside never satisfies.
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