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Happiness is a decision ...

happiness is the happiness ...
that lives inside ...
that we dream about ...
that we need to get ...
from our inside ...
happiness is a decision ...
it's never be grant ...
it never need an approval ...
by anyone to give it by right ...
it's a soul's need ...
and a mind's decision ...
so ,...
get your happiness...
by yourself ...
as you dreamed about ...
and don't beg it from anyone ...
no one can give it ...
only you are ...
the giver and the maker ...
all happiness for yourself ...
just live what you feel inside ...

don't waste life ...
don't think more hard ...
just live your life ...
as the way you feel ...
as much you need ...
as you are ...
live it ...
and love what you live ...
simply ...
get what you love ...
and don't think ,...
what others says ...
just life this short time ...
with a big happiness ...
no matter how ...
just live and love ...
that's all ...
do what ever makes you happy ...
believe it ...
believe me ...
it's the reality ...
and that's why you are here ...
on this earth ...
just to feel happy ...
while you living ...
what you love ...

love your life ...
as much you can ...
it's a decision ...

hazem al ...

love you....
whom you were as a friend to me yesterday...
love you....
whom you are a lover to me now...
love you...
whom you took my nights from me...
love you...
whom you know the key of my heart...
love you
my world...
my life...
my only eternal dream...
love you...

sweet only lady...
how could i....
how could i forget you....
while i love and adore you...
how could i...
while you are a breathes to my soul...
how could i...
while i have no one in this world only you...
how could i...
while my heart housing deep inside you...
how could i...
while i love and live inside you...
how could i...
while my mind went within you...
how could i forget you...
while i choose a death and loss because of you...

how could i forget you...
how could my mind stop thinking about you...
how could my eyes stop imagining you...
how could a dreams to be without you...
how could a love be without you...
how could i forget you my sweetheart...
while the mind,the soul,and the heart are with you...
how could...
while we both promised one the other...
to be a lovers together forever...
so sweetheart..
is it possible to forget you...
could i...
never to forget you...

by : hazem al jaber ...
I . Taytu Betul as a leader

Ethiopia is famed for being
A peaceful,hospitable
And warrior nation
How come  then it failed
To come to your attention,
As bees whose hive is threatened,
Citizens are ever alert to
To foil provoked aggression!

The 1889 treacherous
Wuchale treaty
I will tear apart
A messenger,with a tail
Between your legs,
Before you depart.
The Italian version
That tries to put Ethiopia,
A sovereign state, a pawn
Under Italy's protectorate
Is completely opposed to
What Ethiopia's
Versions indicate.

Till we meet
Your colonizing troops
At a showdown,
As a punitive measure to
A cheater or a clown
I will be tempted to smack
Your face
To ram home,valorous,
For fear we have no place.

II  Taytu Betul a strategist

To deny the invading
Italian troops, advancing
from Eriteria,
Advantages of logistic
We could do
The following trick
Indeed, we could shift
The battlefield
From Adigrat to Adwa
Also we could cut them
From a key water point
Till for truce they plead.
To this end,
A battalion
I will personally lead.
What is more,
I will inspire
To fire!
Parallel to that
Our injured soldiers
To nurse back
Wounded in the attack
Also dry foods
To prepare and pack.

III Taytu Betul  as a wife

Though independent,
With lots of love to
Emperor Menelik II,
My king and beloved husband
I will lend a cooperative hand.

IV. A beacon of independence & standard bearer

True to my name  Taytu
— A sunshine—
I will flicker
A ray of light
The oppressed for
Freedom to fight!

For a military prowess,
Leadership and intelligence
Have acumen! ////
Battle of Adwa took place1-2 March 1896.Black and women's supremacy. See
 Feb 2017 fasika berhane
I've never watched the fireworks
from anywhere but my homebase
although year after year I know
I'm always in a different place

(and I hope you are, too)

Happy New Year!
 Feb 2017 fasika berhane
I was among a list of objects
whose value was of fleeting joy
expecting to give lasting happiness
maybe to a busy lady
or to a lonesome boy

I was placed beneath the tree
and opened—
my wrappers eagerly teared up by hand
yet the recipient's smile
lasted but for a moment
and this I could not understand

I realized I was of tiny worth
compared to the Father's Son
the gift no worldly present can surpass
meant for each and every one
120314 - 11:20am
Ravishingly beautiful
On top of that
God-fearing and cool!
What do I care
Electrified and petrified
Unable to resist her pull
At a loss how
My senses to pool
Up on catching her sight,
A wind-beaten leaf,
Shaking all over
I prove a fool?
Sight love with
A girl friend

You used to relish
Proving my-fullfield wish!

A wife**

You prove furious
And adamant
Unless you control
Every which of
My act!
Trump ...

hey Trump ...
who think you are ...
to feud with all world ...
to attack all humans beings ...
their thoughts and desires...
to hurt a human's needs ...
and to break of ...
the peace and love ...
in this whole world ...

who think you are ...
you only just a number ...
little number ..
nothing more ...
a number came ...
with no choice ...
and will forever go ...
with no return ...
with a decision ...
of all humans beings ...

who you are think ...
the lord of this world ...
no you are not ...
you only just a number ...
as we all know ...
as others came ...
and never come again ...
even you know...
and if you don't know ...
ask who been before you ...
he went with no back again...

so  ...
who think you are ...
to hate people ...
whom build your country ...
whom severed your states ...
who think you are ....
to hate a religion ...
sent by the great lord ...
the Islam religion ...
which it only ..
talk about peace ...
and how to be ...
a humans beings ...

think a bit  MR Trump ...
think more ...
look around yourself ...
you will be a number ...
that never come again ...
just a small number ...
no one will see ...

hazem al ...
The innocent

By the sweat of
One's brow
Their likes aspire
To grow.
For them
Bread and water
Is all right
So far as their walk
Could face the glare of light!

The corrupt**

Bugs, they are not averse
To fattening
By the blood and tears of others!
That is how I see it
Smile ...

i woke up so early as usual...

woke up before the sun do...

just to start the first blissful second...

to enjoy it...

while my pen penning my thoughts...

my thoughts about you...

to send them to you...

to put the smile at your face...

while your mobile dancing happily...

to receive my morning's greeting...

to start your day with me...

with a big smile...


wake up sweet girl.....

its the time to wake up...

its the to leave your dreams....

its the time to open your eyes...

its morning now my sweetheart...


it the time to hear my whispers...

while i'm wishing you a sweet morning...

pick up you phone sweetheart...

lets start our sweet morning...

good morning my sweet lovely angel...

hazem al...
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