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“Lethe” in my flower,
Of which they who drink
In the fadeless orchards
Hear the bobolink!

Merely flake or petal
As the Eye beholds
Jupiter! my father!
I perceive the rose!
In the land of a child
The angels hide
Hide from the evil
Hide from the demons.

In the land of a child
The beauty arise
No fear No labels
No sin No lies.

In the land of a child
The garden of lullabies
Mesmerized eyes
The mystical heart
The strangest art.

In the land of evil
The innocence's lost
Caged by temptations
Devoted for lust.

In the land of evil
Looking for fame
Wanting the gain
Searching for love
The problems won't be solved.

In the land of evil
Addicted to gold
Stuck on the dope
Bow to your Lord.

In the land of a Child and Evil i was trapped in between.

An innocent soul gone with the wind.

Falling with the rain
But the memories remain...

Words Of Harfouchism.
Weird but hope you'll love it.
The yelling, screaming,
The guilt trip.
I just wanted help.

The anger, rage,
The shaming,
I just wanted help.

I’m just a little lost,
A little bit confused.
I just wanted help.

But I was met with sadness,
With passive aggressive when
I just wanted help.
<(       ) >                                                                        
                       & from the Planet Venus                                                

                     ///  • |

                                                                    7 pure souls approaching

•   •

Gentle as the child truly is

Down on the iron streets
                                          ( the prison streets )

There is a lover called      Forever
               there is a hidden hope
                         In some mangled memory


YE of the still - loving heart

YE of the purest Eye and truest Vision


wander through the deserted dream

Thru the alien constellation

Knowing that when you are seen

                     They hardly think you       real - at - all

/../         /../

The   Breath of God

The hope for Peace


The el - train cross the ***** sky

Seeking love in alley -  ways

Courting death to ease the pain


We wander thru the broken line

Of age to youth

And immortality


Hypnotic spells hold souls at bay

The muted hope for free exchange

Of loving kindness shared in purity


From Venus the 7 souls complete

Have come

See us walking down the road

See us waiting on your street
We dated,
it was weird,
I could tell something was wrong.

You said goodbye,
I did too,
and I felt so confused.

I didn't mean to not feel,
you just weren't the one,
then sometime we started talking again.

And then I found out

You began by saying
you had a secret,
a deep, dark one that no one could know.

And for hours you tested me,
made me swear
to never tell.

Then you said it.

And everything made sense.

And now look at you,
opening up to the world around you,
looking at the hopes I have for you,
I am proud of you.

I am proud of you.

I am proud of you.

You have so far to go,
but you've come so far already.

I love you,
but platonically,
like a brother,
the one that I never had
to look up to.

So thank you,
and remember,
I love you
and I'm proud of you,
so very proud.
To a dear friend and all that he has gone through in the past two years, thanks for being there when I needed a shoulder and thanks for everything you've taught me about life.
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