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 Dec 2018 cleann98
the silence of the night
it keeps me awake
waiting for you at my bed side
oh it makes me ache

the silence of the night
the absence of your scent
i want you at an eyesight
empty space is a torment
all of you
 Nov 2018 cleann98
the way you speak
the way you kiss
the way you grin
oh i read poetry in your lips
 Nov 2018 cleann98
Mike Hauser
one fine day
it all came true
like a piece of cake
every i love you
every knowing nod
every gentle nudge
as you count the cost
on every thought of love

one fine day
all the day could do
was to make its way
through its daily loop
with one end up
and one end down
being simple enough
with love around

one fine day
out of the blue
life ran its course
on a whistles tune
on a gravel road
under a quarter moon
to the simple truth
of i love you
 Nov 2018 cleann98
the kid
 Nov 2018 cleann98
i’m jealous
of the kid
who once lived
in this heart
i’m jealous of the kid
who once lived within me
 Nov 2018 cleann98
Call me Oliver
The fights we had were quite abnormal
They were quiet
And quite home
 Nov 2018 cleann98
love of my life
let me be your
eternal shadow not
your temporary sunshine
love of my life
my queen, my lifeline
my love for you
is within every breath
of this lifetime
with reference and permission from the very kind Yue :) read her wonderful poem here
 Nov 2018 cleann98
E Lynch
It arrives,
Unnoticed, unannounced.

At first.

Seeping, dripping.

I put it down to a few stressful weeks.
I carry on.

It unpacks,
Worries, anxieties.

For now,

Whispers, creaks.

‘It will leave soon’ I think ‘It always does.’
I keep going.

It settles in,
Getting comfortable.

Getting louder,
And louder.

Banging thoughts,

‘Please don’t be happening again’.
I shuffle along my daily routine.

Claws in,


Shame, worthlessness,

‘Please go away’.
I’m barely coping.

Growing roots,
Into my brain and heart.

Blossoming pain,
With every beat.

Emptiness, loneliness,

Silence, Stillness,
‘I can’t move, I can’t cope.’
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