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 Aug 2018 Ansley
pick up my pen, and start to write
breathe in the stars, strum a tune to the sky
still my heart, spend my time
free as the wind rushing through the pines

All I've got   is this song of mine
to help me walk    these yellow lines .

've gotten lost so many times
rivers and roads, and mountains to climb
hop a freight,  stick out a thumb or fly a sign
still so many places to go, but calling Here, "home" for tonight
I'll use the excuse,
I just like the pretty lights.
But if you're looking for truth,
I escape the day through the night.
 Aug 2018 Ansley
summer nights
 Aug 2018 Ansley
summer nights are best spent with you.
greedily scarfing down ice cream,
watching our feet touch the sky from old playground swings.

and the ones in your mom’s car
-the soft music, the hard music
singing to melodies that we’ll never know.

each night, we feel each’s wishes.
i, i want to give you fairs, and cotton candy,
and hold your hand as we walk along the sidewalk.

i want to twirl you around,
because though we’re very summer friends
i want to keep you forever.

our feet scrape the gravel,
toes tap the sidewalk,
noses breathe in the air.

distinctly, i remember something
-us in a concert,
our shoulders brushing as we danced.

i remember laughing with you in the water,
because i hated being short,
so naturally i had to climb you.

i remember every year
we laugh away these nights,
until they become memories.

they, were, definitely,
polaroid worthy.
you’d give a blank look.

and then spring would come again,
and we’d be sitting in your mom’s car,
watching the sunset again.

remember this?
for my friends (keekya)
 Aug 2018 Ansley
Raj Arumugam
so I tried again
to train my parrot,
this time more emphatically:
"Why don't you just
say what I say?
What, they never taught you
Repetition at Parrot School?"

and my parrot said:
*"What, they never taught you
Thinking at Human School?"
final poem in this series of parrot poems...I give up on my parrot!
I orbit myself a
cyclical pattern
No Beginning No End
an elliptical motion
Enigma at Center
reflections of three....
me at the helm...
Space... time, gravity.  

A singular pluralism of exponential eternity as infinitesimal minutiae
govern the ******.
Not by lancing their eyes,
but insidiously
locking them in darkness,
like masses are meant to be.

But no... not me... as
my gift of perspective
has illuminated space ...
to spectate the rats
scrambling scrambling
to win the race.
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