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 Apr 2014 Eva Mlynski
 Apr 2014 Eva Mlynski
I need someone to hold
to love
to kiss
to hug
to call mine
but I don't just need anyone
 Apr 2014 Eva Mlynski
I wanted to love you
But my walls were too high
And so you turned around
And walked away

I wish I had the courage to say
I wish I had the courage to say
"I love you"

And above all I wanted
The guts to kiss you on the lips,
Whisper and say,
"I love you, please stay."
goodby Betty,don’t remember me
pencil your eyes dear and have a good time
with the tall tight boys at Tabari’
s,keep your teeth snowy, stick to beer and lime,
wear dark,and where your meeting ******* are round
have roses darling,it’s all i ask of you—
but that when light fails and this sweet profound
Paris moves with lovers,two and two
bound for themselves,when passionately dusk
brings softly down the perfume of the world
(and just as smaller stars begin to husk
heaven)you,you exactly paled and curled

with mystic lips take twilight where i know:
proving to Death that Love is so and so.
You think it hurts
You think it hurts to cut
But in reality,
I need something worse
It doesn't hurt enough.

 Apr 2014 Eva Mlynski
If profanity is a form of insanity,
then all of humanity is in love with vanity.
Just another delusion of illusion,
in a rampant act of seclusion.
Talent is standard on a planet of confabulation.

Nothing is real anymore,
there is a war at your core.
Greed is the seed we breed,
hence the human race in which we speed!
We play games of hunger while we bleed.

Humanity is just an art form,
unfinished and diminished.
We are blessed with stress,
without our consent we play chess.
I confess my address...

**Motel for our souls
A tragic and cryptic poem.  Intent:  To elicit thought.
 Apr 2014 Eva Mlynski
I'm part of the unemployed youth,
it's the truth,
a generation of dreamers with endless ambition,
all with one mission:
to strive for attention under constant tension.

Overprotected and neglected,
yet somehow connected,
attacked by the constant barrage of words,
we fly like birds,
we are truly free in our imagination.

No hope for a better tomorrow,
in love with sorrow,
nothing left to borrow.
Money comes at a high cost,
your youth...lost after slavery to the economy.
Stanza 1:  Mentions the workforce who are qualified for jobs but lack experience.
Stanza 2:  Alludes to the workforce who do not need a job and remain content.
Stanza 3:  Speaks of the workforce that need any job and are willing to trade their youth for money.
 Apr 2014 Eva Mlynski
Jeremy Bean
I didn't find you most beautiful
after all those hours you spent
on your makeup
or shaping your lovely hair
into its tiny strands.
or the outfits you wore
that hugged your frame
so eager to catch a hungry eye
I found you most beautiful
after the makeup
was smeared or washed away
your hair a mess from the long night
and your outfits nothing but balled up fabric
strewn across the room
and all those barriers you put up
for others
came crashing down
under the weight of your smile
thats when you were the most beautiful thing
I have ever seen.
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