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 Apr 2014 Eva Mlynski
Jeremy Bean
Why is it
we so easily forget
what shaped who we were
to become someone
we are not?
 Apr 2014 Eva Mlynski
the problem with
being a poet in love,
is that you savour
& trust each word your lover has
without  question.

we are simply in love
with bare literature,
spoken from the lips of someone we hold
in higher regard
than ourselves sometimes.

when you love a poet
each word you utter,
should be a piece of artwork

each sentence,
a highly thought out structure of awe and beauty to leave us seeping
in the warmth of your voice
caressing such fine words

so when deciding that you love someone,
who writes or reads
fill their souls with beauty, memories & truth especially,
for a poet's heart breaks at ease.
 Apr 2014 Eva Mlynski
Always* had a longing for belonging,
never *fit
in anywhere,
a criminal in my mind,
a vigilante against myself,
protecting even the past I left on the shelf.

The battle is violent,
overdosed by reality... silent.
Neglected and ignored describe my existence.
No guilt, no shame and nothing to hide,
reborn stronger than ever now I stride with pride!
 Mar 2014 Eva Mlynski
The moon shines over the forest,
Lighting the paths for us.
It’s quiet and calm, as here I rest,
Peacefully in my den.

In the peace, I faithfully wait,
As my pups run about, playing.
Soon he’ll be home, their father, my mate.
With game for us to eat.

In the distance I hear a howl,
In excitement, I reply.
Gunshots fire, I hear a growl.
I stiffen and fill with fear.

I gather my pups, hide them in the den.
I whimper at them to stay,
In the den, remaining hidden.
Then I sprint towards my mate.

I hear him whimper, I hear him cry.
I feel my heart break.
They hurt him, they did, but why?
He only wanted to feed his family.

I smell gunpowder and the blood,
I am quickly nearing them.
I silently run through the mud,
I can hear his laboured breath.

The man with the gun walks up to him
I pounce in between before I think.
I growl and snarl, I try to scare him.
He just laughs away.

He lifts up his gun, and points at me,
Then I hear a screamed, “No!”
Into the clearing runs a girl of eighteen,
Pushes the man and takes the gun.

She points the weapon at the man,
Yells to get off her property,
And to never near a wolf again.
A shot, then the man takes off.

She approaches us carefully and
Calls her friend to bring First Aid.
I step aside as my mate tries to stand.
She soothes him back down.

This girl is different, I can feel.
I can’t help but trust her.
Next to me, she does kneel.
Stopping my mate from bleeding.

We waited a while for her friend,
And as we waited she comforted me.
“He’ll be okay, this is not his end.
I will make him better.”

Into the clearing, comes a young man,
Not much older than her.
With a white box in his hand,
He walks over to us.

She takes the box, removes its contents,
And they start working away.
Over my love’s body, they are bent,
Cleaning away the blood.

She calmly whispers to me,
“Go to you den, your  cubs are waiting,
Your mate is safe with me.”
I hesitate but I run to my pups.

My pups whine and whimper,
And it feels like forever later,
I hear the girl’s voice, barely a whisper,
“It’s okay, boy. We’re almost there.”

She comes to the den,
With my mate close behind.
I leave the den and greet them.
My mate is back, he’s okay.

The girl and the boy
Come every so often,
They take care of my love,
They make sure we’re okay.

I wish there were more people like this,
To make sure that we aren’t massacred off.
To protect us when we can’t protect our self.
To make people see we’re not bad at all.
Wolves are beautiful, loyal creatures. They are family oriented and mate for life. They are better than most humans. They're our best friends ancestors. The sad reality is that thousands of wolves are mercilessly killed each year. Some places have limits to how many are massacred annually, while some places there is no limit to how many of the beautiful creatures are murdered. Pregnant and nursing mothers and their cubs are killed in their dens. They're hunted down by plane and chased til they are too tired to run, then shot. Animal cruelty is supposedly illegal yet what are we doing? Killing innocent animals because they are hungry, to protect our filthy cattle. When will the massacre end??
 Mar 2014 Eva Mlynski
In the darkness
I can be anyone
Close your eyes
Dream with me

Let's pretend
For one beautiful moment
We are what we need
Each other to see

Now she's not gone
I feel her beside me
The warmth of her body
This ghost in the night

And for one fleeting blink
These eyes may be blind
But this heart is not broken
Until morning's light
I speak out your name.

I form words I didn't know.

Seeing the significance.

To understand it all.

As if words mean nothing.

At the irony.

And walking away.
i'm inclined to decline
your offer, so kind
it hurts me to do so,
i'll say

the flesh is willing
but the spirit is weak
perhaps we'll meet
some other day
 Feb 2014 Eva Mlynski
Evan Asper
Lets play for keeps baby
If i win this you're mine
I've been waitin for this day
A very long time

And i want you to risk it
Put yourself on the line
Because baby i love you
You must see the signs

But you just wont do it
You'd hate me to win
Step a little closer
Not lovin' is a sin

Where are these flaws
You openly have said
Because baby you're perfect
Inside of my head

Let's get to the game
I cant wait anymore
You're my pain reliever
And my heart is sore

Now baby that's checkmate
I have just won
You have no other moves
But somehow still run

And there's an empty circle
In my arms where you should be
It only fits to you
Like a lock and a key
 Feb 2014 Eva Mlynski
Her pale and cold fingers
Gripped the ends of her sweater
As their words ever so slowly
Tore her apart.

Later that night
Her head will drop
Down as she stares
At the empty bottle of pills.

She has found her way out of the labyrinth.
 Feb 2014 Eva Mlynski
I thought that if I woke
I might just catch a glimpse of you
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