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 Sep 2015 JS
Kiss Me Again.
 Sep 2015 JS
It's funny how you meet someone
And suddenly
You like blondes.
I never used to like blondes.
Not particularly.
And suddenly,
I just do.
It's funny
How the imprints of certain souls just
With you,
Behind your eyes.
How they color the world.
As if the thought
Just bends you toward a stranger
Just the thought
That they look or sound
Or move
Like somebody else,
Why special?
Why her?
Why any of them?
And yet
Even as I try to look elsewhere...
I like blondes.
 Sep 2015 JS
 Sep 2015 JS
itchy sticky
panic red
then salty tears
 Sep 2015 JS
Julie Grenness
Today's political agenda
For political puppets--
Manipulated by the powers that be,
Hoping for a Lazarus economy,
Games people play,
Any miracles today?
Mystical revival,
Or­ Tweedledummer?
Yes, games people play,
Any miracles today?
Made any jobs today?
Not for the old, for the young,
Their careers not even begun,
Hoping for a Lazarus economy,
Who are the powers that be?
Feedback welcome.
 Sep 2015 JS
 Sep 2015 JS
it's okay for things to change, to grow up
fate will twist the both of you,
all of you.
 Sep 2015 JS
Seán Mac Falls
High atop shining mountains,
Where Gods glint as they spy
On wanting mortals, cast in heat
And toil, in heavens that are always
Basked by sun and days of grape,
That flow from the endless pour
Of golden casks, give mirth to always
Blue veins as they revel in mighty
Perfection and beauty, enameled
With imperishable face and statuary
Form, who thunder above feathery
Cloud, rumbling beyond all earthly
Ken and dream— in these heavens,
Is there myth only of desire?

Or do they yearn in cradle sleep,
As all those landed babes in need
Of mercies and fable, do gods shape
Subtle creations with the music of love,
Of blood in a touch, of dawn and hope
In the flowering of family and learning?
Can the gleaming child ever know needs
As they are met, held by eyes and lip,
The windy caress of kiss and nod
And rarest time as it wanes?

On radiant, fabled Olympus, where
Eagles, golden in the sun, only rake
The rims of Elysium as they song glide
So effortlessly, unlike the perilous, shy,
Wandering tribes basely set so far below,
The sun clad Titans home eternal, who always
Are held, perpetual in ever engulf of skies, rest
Starry, in their sparkling, immortal cloaks
Of milky cosmos and ambrosial aethers.

Above the murmuring clamours
Of the under strays and dogs of plain
And sea, do chose children of light ever
Quake or shudder in awe, never moved,
Or are they but weilders of storm and fierce
Lightning strikes, burnishing in judgement flame,
Never to be struck by leaves that come in fires of autumn,
Such monumental peace in a seasons turn, the simple joinings,
Of lovers, by a hearth, by a road, by rush of mountain streams?
In high heavens do even the Gods not dream
Of deep, down, sole earthly pleasures?
 Sep 2015 JS
Jacob Christopher
It never was that I loved a cigarette,
more than you.
Just that I knew every morning,
when I rolled over,
my smokes would still be on the nightstand.
But your keys would be gone.
 Sep 2015 JS
Alone pt. II
 Sep 2015 JS
I use a red crayon to draw
Her lipstick on my neck when
She refuses to come around, and
I press my fingers harder on the
Strings, choking the neck,
Demanding a new feeling other
Than this tired old worn
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