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Jul 2020 · 256
Elizabeth Fruin Jul 2020
I wish reincarnation was true
So this wasn't the last version of you
You'd be born with different eyes
But have the same soul that never lies

See the colour of your hair will change
But that's just like you anyway
And we might be different in age
But we'd be the same as yesterday

To some yesterday isn't a lot of time
But you were in so many yesterday's of mine
I lost one of my best friends earlier this year and I still can't believe that she's gone... All I wish is that we had more time.
Jul 2020 · 559
Your Galaxies
Elizabeth Fruin Jul 2020
Understanding the stars to your galaxies
Made of past and future complexities
Is the path we took made of possibility
Which ended in us walking separately

Though we're broken and bruised feeling further apart
With moments that'll never silence my heart
I still look for you in the ocean of people
But I know it's your stars that'll only show

Though I won't forget the tune you played
When you tugged at my heartstrings
You brought the music back with memories we made
When you tugged at my heartstrings

Seeing shimmers of blue starting back at you
A reflection I will never unsee
With feilds of gold glowing in the dark
I hope they'll remind you of me

Building moments created by the smallest of things
Jan 2019 · 283
Elizabeth Fruin Jan 2019
It's been months since I was by your side
But love is a feeling that no one can hide
I miss the smile that you gifted me with
But your smile has become something of a myth

I still remember the ear to ear grins we shared
And all the emotions that left me so scared
To think that I thought we could be something
Has made me begin to wonder about everything

To all that have felt one sided love
Jan 2019 · 279
Games Once Played
Elizabeth Fruin Jan 2019
I played games when we never knew each other
The me who I thought I was, would now stutter
I didn't know what it felt like to fall for someone
I always thought that they'd hear my story and run

But then you didn't at first. You held my hand
You took me to a happy never never land
You said my I'm okay could become truthful
But that opinion soon became neutral.

Where the games were once fun for you
It soon became too much for you too
You never thought you'd have to save a life
You backed away to save yourself the strife.

I've been found out on all the games I've played
Each one was just another brick I've laid
To build my walls higher for my own safety
I tried to lock them away but you found the key

Was I meant to understand the repercussions
That each turn would lead to these discussions
That with every act i once did would undoubtedly
Lead to the moment where we're no longer a we

The past shouldn't dictate our future of possibilities.
Jan 2019 · 334
Shallow water
Elizabeth Fruin Jan 2019
I've been roaming in shallow waters
Left my hollow footprints behind
Tip toed on the edge of the deep end
Afraid, afraid of sinking

Holding my breath in too tight tonight
Slipped off the edge, can't go back
The water's holding me far too close
Not letting my feet touch the ground

My thoughts have cease to exist
Not a single flash of life came to be
Nobody said that it would end like this
Looks like I'm not apart of your history

My breathes are scattered and alone
Reaching out for anyone's hand
Because I don't think I can
My feet don't want to touch this land
The past is a place my mind often dwells in... 2019 will be a year that I look ahead with the past pushing me toward my dreams rather than holding me back
Dec 2018 · 718
Last May
Elizabeth Fruin Dec 2018
You say I told a lie about last May
And if that's what you think
I guess there's not much to say
I'll untie the anchor, let it sink

Go to a place where you'd love me
Somewhere my truths aren't lies
Disappear so I can no longer see
These heartbreaking replies

No more attention seeking
That you felt I was up to
No more having this feeling
Of my heart ripped in two

I don't want to remember this
I only want the good moments
When you were proud
You even said it out loud

Oct 2017 · 432
Elizabeth Fruin Oct 2017
Smiles locked away behind doors
Tip tapping of feet upon the floors
A closed up room for two souls
A love seen only through keyholes

Laughter heard through the walls
As two hearts tumble down the halls
A slight change to the pace of my pulse
And an emotional reaction of convulse

I realize that my heart has speed up
My mind can't seem to shut up
Not sure if you and I are a thing
Or is this just a little something something?

- E.A.F
A connection is formed, but to what degree? We'll just have to wait and see...
Sep 2017 · 328
Elizabeth Fruin Sep 2017
She starred upon passing surfaces
Not dared to look at any faces
Each platform raced by the next
As her mind rebuilds its recks

A lip numbed by her own bite
Holding back her fight or flight
The world still turned with her steps
One off of the edge of this complex

- E.A.F
Unsure of what live should be like at this point...
Aug 2017 · 412
Can't remember
Elizabeth Fruin Aug 2017
Its sad that I can't really remember you
I remember moments that were once new
Like trips to the zoo or car rides in your BMW
But I dont remember the essence of you

I can't remember the smell to your clothes
The scent isn't picked up by my nose
No memory of the last hug we shared
Or the last time I made fun of your beard

You were a dad to me maybe not my father
But you treated me as your own daughter
How can my brain even think to forget you?
Why can't I remember our last "I love you"

I don't know what we actually said that night
The one before I woke up to the medics flight
The way they ran to your room to abruptly try
Only to give us a truth we wished was a lie
Missing a big part of my heart today..
Jul 2017 · 308
No Need
Elizabeth Fruin Jul 2017
Just light up another ciggerate
And let me smoke my lungs dead
How else am I supposed to handle it
When my heart can't lead my head

Let the air I breath change for worse
Don't call out when my pulse slows
No need to bring a doctor or a nurse
For I am that single withering rose
Heart broken is not a nice state of being. Good luck to my fellow sorrowful souls❤
Jul 2017 · 341
Shimmer of blue
Elizabeth Fruin Jul 2017
I need to not miss you..
I need to not want you
But all that's on my mind
Is how you make me blind

Blind to the worst of life
Seeing it all with no strife
But all I need is a balance
But sadly I have no patience

How do I get over this ache
When my heart's at zoo lake
With a hint of blue looking down
As I miss you more than my home town

- E. A. F
May 2017 · 351
Elizabeth Fruin May 2017
All I have pictured are your fingers
Dragging along my skin
If you're wondering if it lingers
I can tell you, sit down, let it sink in

My sleep was not a go ahead
My words were never said
Never given the choice to say yes or no
That naturally means its a no go

But you had to be a fucken ****
Is this the man your mom would want
The boy she spent years loving and grooming
Only to have him out there groping and ******?

Don't say the drinks or **** did it
Or that I was drunk and asking for it
My silence was more an answer than less
A passed out drunk is never a yes

- E.A.F
Jan 2017 · 910
Single Link
Elizabeth Fruin Jan 2017
We are thousands of miles away
But In my heart you will forever stay
Our drifting souls become a cluster
As the bonds we make tighten faster

Our souls may be two separate entities
But they are bound by a single link
Which are our shared qualities
Lettered on the dotted line in ink

- E.A.F
A soul is always wary of the unknown, but once there is a link shared. There is not much that can be done to stop the change soon to come.
Dec 2016 · 847
Elizabeth Fruin Dec 2016
My blanket isn't the same anymore
It's empty without your cold feet
My arms aren't the same anymore
Since I can't feel your heart beat

My kitchen isn't the same anymore
It's kettle doesn't boil water for you
My ears aren't the same anymore
Since I can no longer hear you

My heart isn't the same anymore
It's got a longing only you fulfill
My eyes aren't the same anymore
Since I can't see the smile of my Phil..

- E.A.F
Dec 2016 · 520
T's and C's
Elizabeth Fruin Dec 2016
A million thoughts are running wild
As I stare into the body of an adult
But only see the spirit of a child
That has created feelings never felt

My heart has lost and won the war
But my mind has succumbed to it
My soul has been left feeling sore
While the picture of us was so perfect

How does one bounce back from love
It has become so difficult to comprehend
That this is a believed plan from above
When all I want is a restart and no end.

We both agreed to the terms and conditions
But what if we bend the rules a bit
As you are one of my only obsessions
Why don't we at least attempt it?

Dec 2016 · 338
Between Us
Elizabeth Fruin Dec 2016
So much left to be said between us
But these words had become silent
So much left to be done between us
But our actions had become private

We no longer shared every thought
We didn't share thought waves
It's as if our very souls were bought
To mark the stones to our graves
Nov 2016 · 614
Thinking Heart
Elizabeth Fruin Nov 2016
A comfort I chose to loose
It's sad to hear this news
But I don't know what to do
When it comes down to you

My heart says multiple things
While my head thinks and thinks
Maybe I should stay and see
Or just leave things be

Let the wind blow how it does
Let our hands move from this
Let the birds and bees buzz
Even if you're everything I'll miss.

Aug 2016 · 464
Love Me Again
Elizabeth Fruin Aug 2016
I've been stuck on words to say
With each and every passing day
They have become out of reach
As I search and search and search

I'm looking for a single sentence
To hold up my own defence
How am I supposed to hate you
When all I can do it love you

You held my heart in your hand
So you squeezed and squeezed and
When it finally gave out to the pain
That's when you tried to love me again

I don't know what to do with my heart
Its in shattered pieces on my sleeve
I don't I dont know what to do with my heart
Waiting for you to leave ..... again

- E.A.F
Apr 2016 · 518
True Love Kiss
Elizabeth Fruin Apr 2016
Though our things did not end right
Left aching to be hugged by the night
Why did this go so wrong so fast
Was it cause we weren't meant to last?

You spoke of a hopeful truth
That this, us, would be your proof
That love still exists in the silence
Where sound shouldn't be violence

I know songs are released everyday
But not one says what I want to say
I'm left hollow caught up in this
You were meant to be true loves kiss

So excuse me if you can dear
I no longer want you to be here
My heart has rebuilt my walls high
So its time for us to say bye bye

- E.A.F
Feb 2016 · 342
White Lie
Elizabeth Fruin Feb 2016
The night started out as a friends thing
We spoke for hours about everything
We laughed and joked around a bit
Then found our hands were a perfect fit

We acted as more than what we were
Which might have caused a feeling to stir
We told strangers this little white lie
And we didn't even have to try

We fooled the strangers by the bars
As we held hands under the stars
We moved swiftly to the music playing
Not realizing what we were doing

We started something that late night
It started small but then grew bright
It become a sense of belonging
That's when you became my only longing
Escaping the friendzone like a pro
Jun 2015 · 371
Elizabeth Fruin Jun 2015
People seem to walk with this falsified paise
While our minds scream out to make a noise
We relish in the ideals of our said humanity
But we have never set them in stone in our society

Jun 2015 · 433
Here We Are
Elizabeth Fruin Jun 2015
Here we are,
don't break our trust
Here we are
Rain down on us

Let the drops fall
like the kisses of fate
Let the drops fall
As we call check mate

The sins we bare
Let them wash away
The sins we bare
No longer have a say

Jun 2015 · 364
I Wish for
Elizabeth Fruin Jun 2015
I wish for one breathtaking moment
Fill of love for a single, simple sentiment
Where I can kiss the skies a goodnight
And cease this agonizing need to fight

I wish for the ability to exist beyond
That of this limited physical bond
Which cradles me like a helpless infant
As it makes me feel as fragile as an ant


I wish for the strength of said creature
As its raw power is its highlighted feature
It can work hours on end and still go on
Like the madness faced by every mom

I wish for the patience of those women
To do all that anywhere, how and when
It should be impossible to even think
Through the chaos of the markers ink

Apr 2015 · 500
1 4 3 2
Elizabeth Fruin Apr 2015
Love is a word I've never understood
It's supposed to be a magical good
Yet its escaped my realm of possibilities
But I've never been blinded by its abilities

But then I saw your face once again
It'd been years since I last saw it when
When I was just a tiny little, lost stray
And you were the guiding shepard to my way  

And now all I can seem to say is 1 4 3 2
1 for I, 4 for love and 3 is for you and 2 is too  
So I'm saying and singing I love you too
So I'm saying and singing I love you too

And now I've grown up from that past image of me
I no longer look at myself and see what use to be
You showed me the light to that dark set
You were the key to the lock on my closet

- E.A.F
Mar 2015 · 574
Instead of Me
Elizabeth Fruin Mar 2015
My world seems so different to yours
Its like I'm the moon and you're the stars
You get to twinkle at all the good and bad
While I smile at what I wish I had

You get the butterflies and flowers
While my feet dangle from the towers
You get to smell the roses everyday
As I feel myself slipping away

I found myself wishing away the years
Hoping that it'd cure me of these tears
Oh I find myself sinking far to deep
To a dot on the atlas I'd hate to keep

Getting washed up with lives current
As I wish for it to all be different
I remember you and how I wished it
Wished that I was you instead of me
Instead of this imperfect
Instead of this imperfect me

- E.A.F
Mar 2015 · 492
Down by the River
Elizabeth Fruin Mar 2015
Down by the river side
There's a place where we can hide
Its got trees and tranquillity
And its so easy to go daily

See down by the river shore
There's a place to explore
No more than your breath is needed
Its a place where thoughts are secreted

No you must know that down by the river
Is where memories are made of silver
Some are bad and some are golden
But they're things unable to be stolen

So come down to the river with me
And you can adventure the paths to be
The world in all its wonders and shapes
It offers the best of all escapes

- E.A.F
Mar 2015 · 489
I Don't See
Elizabeth Fruin Mar 2015
When I look in the mirror day after day
It's like looking at art you try to say
But I don't see what you see in me
I don't see that apparent hidden beauty

All I see is this mascara running wild
And an old soul trapped in a body of a child
Trying to find its way back to the world
Back to were our lips were forever curled

And yes what we have could be nothing
But imagine if its more than just something
'cause everything could be so eccentric
Consuming my wonder as if it's a trick

- E.A.F
Mar 2015 · 845
Facade of Colours
Elizabeth Fruin Mar 2015
If this is delusional then I never want to see reality
I'd rather be insane and live out our small infinity

Where we are who we are despite the outsiders
Where we can live life and survive like fighters

And no matter what you are to all those others
I will always see passed your facade of colours

We can stray along a thread of free impossibility
Or dangle from the rooftops of a towering city

- E.A.F
Feb 2015 · 549
Elizabeth Fruin Feb 2015
Maybe our emotions are things that control us more than we will ever be able to control them.

Some say that we don't have control over the basis of our feelings, love and fear. They both blind us so easily that we don't even see our true reflection in the mirror. Let alone anyone else's. We see either the best or the worst aspects in retrospect of which one is the blinding tool at hand.

Yet some people tend to stipulate that we have the choice to be scared. That we decide whether we fall in or out of love. That we have control of ourselves, the whole "mind over matter" spiel.

However, in reality, its both theories. Sure, you may have some control here or there, but you are never a hundred percent in charge of what your body does. Its impossible. It is it's own being and doesn't really care if you disagree with it sometimes.

Whether its the awkward sounds it makes in public, like a rumbling stomach noise or the rollercoaster of emotions that kick in after the age of twelve or so. We generally don't have much control over it all. Life has a way of making us think that we can and that its possible, but then we have a way of denying that and never even letting the probability of it come to light.

- E.A.F
Feb 2015 · 552
My Heart
Elizabeth Fruin Feb 2015
Guess my hearts more fragile than it seems
Cause your the plot to these bad dreams
I keep reaching out for your voice
And wondering if I made the right choice

Since I realised what the true love is
Its when you smile 'cause of a kiss
Its something that over takes everything
Makes you feel like your heart should be a ring

Hoping it goes on and on and on
so that this love never ends
But here I am singing this ****** song
wishing we were still friends

But we'll never be friends
No never be friends again
Our love passed like those trends
But I keep looking back to when

When we first said I love you
Or had our first dance or two
When I first felt that  tinge when we kissed
Or when I didn't doubted the moments missed

Guess my hearts more fragile than it seems
Cause your the main plot to all of these bad dreams
I'm missing the sound of your voice
And I'm figuring out I made the wrong choice

Now I'm echoing to the world screaming set me free
I don't want to feel this anymore
Please take away this heart sore

Cause Since I realised what love is
I know you're the one that I miss
The sound of your heart beat
Made this empty soul feel complete

So now I'm hoping it doesn't go on and on
'cause I'm tired of singing this song
wishing you were still my friend
But I guess everything has to end

- E.A.F
Jan 2015 · 441
Heart Strung
Elizabeth Fruin Jan 2015
I string hearts along with too much ease
They fall and follow with no worries
They stumble over my words as I speak
and let those words create a creak

Its essence spilling out on my screen
As I talk the talk like a aplomb teen
Searching the globe for someone
Whether they're the moon or the sun

That is a question I'm willing to ask
But it seems that it really isn't my task
I'm not meant to string along hearts
Or let them be the way I throw darts

I'm meant to find one that loves me for me
But when I find her, I'm too blind to see
Too oblivious to notice that I'm smiling
But I know my hearts' wings aren't meant for flying

- E.A.F
Jan 2015 · 447
Ticket Please
Elizabeth Fruin Jan 2015
Why do years feel like a flash of moments
Some of happiness others of life changing events
I will never learn to understand our minds
It saves our scariest times and our golden finds

We don't have a say in what we want to remember
We are like a house with a limitless chamber
A room filled to the top with waters rising
So much so we feel the need for compromising

To do things to lower the levels so we don't drown
But most of the time our challenges don't sink down
They rise to where the tides rush towards us
Where our breathes are limited like seats on a bus

Seats that we crave to get a ticket for
Because we believe them to be the key to more
Like a life where we don't have to fight to breath
Where our emotions aren't hidden beneath

Beneath the crashing waves of our conscious worlds
Where everything comes together in swirls
So we hope and pray that the tickets will work
Since we can feel our minds becoming more berserk

We need the relief to be truer than true
We need something for our sanity to cling to..

- E.A.F
Jan 2015 · 536
New Places
Elizabeth Fruin Jan 2015
Feeling alone in a crowded room
Sitting. Waiting for something to happen soon
Something like the glories of life showing their faces
Peaking over the horizon stealing her to new places

Maybe there's a place of pure bliss
A place where she won't have to feel this
Where people aren't forced to pretend
Where nights of tears aren't a days end

Maybe the world will have pity
On a girl who is no longer fun and witty
The only thing keeping her above the tide
Is her ability to hide hide hide

She hides away her tears until nightfall
Scared if she even let a single drop show at all
That her reality will smash to pieces
Her place becoming something of a nuisance

- E.A.F
Jan 2015 · 841
Dandelions Roar
Elizabeth Fruin Jan 2015
I've put my fears to the winds
And I'm never looking back at my sins
I'm moving far away from here
I'm striding toward a future so clear

With the suns' rays kissing my skin like a lullaby
And blue skies no longer passing me by
And even if they hide behind weary clouds
It'll be like when I found you hiding in the crowds

A dandelion amongst a field of roses
Its beauty's hidden under our noses
A sight imagined, but not commonly seen
Until a dandelion's roar was silent and clean

Unheard, mistaken and a tad broken were you
Loud mouthed, understood and glued together I am
I may not understand you all the way through
But give me a lifeline and you'll know for sure who I am

See I chose the dandelion instead of a rose
Because your beauty no longer hides under my nose

- E.A.F
Dec 2014 · 738
Elizabeth Fruin Dec 2014
A puff of someone else's smoke here and there
Turned to a box everyday and everywhere
She said it was an addiction of no danger
That its nothing too big or too major

But then that not too major thing turned into a disaster
She started coughing out her lunges everyday after
That not too big of a problem turned into a genocide
A genocide to her lungs that are dying inside

A cough a day kept the doctors near
No apple would change that simple fact
We begged and plead for them to fix her
But they said that its impossible to do that

So we waited in agony
We waited for her tragedy
We waited for things to change
But guess that was out of our range

Since she's gone gone gone
There's no pain for her anymore

Nov 2014 · 805
Little Glass Box
Elizabeth Fruin Nov 2014
We all have that speck of dirt
It may be your lack of comfort
Or the past and all its anger
But at times its of no danger

It could be your need to be you
Or your darkest inhibitions coming true
There are all kinds of outcomes
Some with resolutions or more problems

'cause we all live in a little glass box
As true as waves hitting the shores rocks
We find ourselves surrounded by ourselves
Not knowing about the dust on the top of our shelves

Others will tell us their opinions and views
But that's like playing with a bomb fuse
We deny our faults in front of them all
No matter how big or how small

We are oblivious to who we are
We don't know if we're dust or a star

- E.A.F
We have something that surrounds us, usually its us.
Nov 2014 · 742
Binded Freedom
Elizabeth Fruin Nov 2014
Your hands have stopped ticking for me
Yet I am frozen and you are free
You no longer have to tick tock
You have finally unbinded your lock

Where as I am drifting through space
Going nowhere without a single trace
I am lost amongst the empty galaxies
Like a child lost to the unforgiving seas

In my mind I hear your noise happen
I look around gaining my lost hope then
I think to myself that maybe its you
I lift my shoulders to see if its true

My head swings up praying its no trick
My heart aches to be free and unblock

Tick tock, tick tock.
I hear as you once again bind your lock

- E.A.F
For those who know that someone has sacrificed for you ♡
Nov 2014 · 723
Elizabeth Fruin Nov 2014
Chaos seeps through my hollow door
Making my soul beg and plea for no more
This chaos hits me right in the chest
The slumbers me into a final rest

I open my eyes and look down
And I see my open-mouthed frown
My scarlet eyes are lifeless and dead
Guess I no longer have a road ahead

I will not know the wonders of love
I'll have no worries as I look above
For my heart is as pure as white
So there shouldn't be much for me to fight

The entrance to those clouds showed its way
Yet sadly there was darkness hiding it away
Dark figure danced in silhouette
No faces nor figures to be met

Only shadows and chaos dancing here
I prayed I wasn't the song they hear
For I wished for the stairs to reappear
As I ran and ran from the silhouettes in fear

My body left lifeless as my soul fled
My soul cried out as my body bled
I was alone with chance to get home
Then a voice reached out and asked me to atone.

- E.A.F
Even if the darkness seems to be taking over, you must not miss the light forcing its way through the darkness ♡
Nov 2014 · 463
Elizabeth Fruin Nov 2014
A woman sits across from me in the mirror
I pretend she's not there even when I see her
Her heart aches to be heard and seen by me
By all I can do is look away obliviously

I act like she isn't there to echo my truth
The fact that her wrinkled eyes are my youth
I see through her eyes everyday with no remorse
Going about my life not looking back at the source

The things that made me the monster I am now
I don't hate these I hate how I let them endow
They took me over little by little until nothing...
Nothing was left but girl dangled from a string

- E.A.F
To all who see age instead of their youth... ♡ wish you good luck ♡
Nov 2014 · 3.3k
I No Longer
Elizabeth Fruin Nov 2014
I have a fairly small confession to make
My heart is fine, its not about to break
My eyes no longer glisten as much
And my smiles are from loves' gentle touch

I no longer find myself faking grins
Or forcing blades to rid me of my sins
I no longer wish for that eternal silence
No.. I no longer act against life in defiance

- E.A.F
To the people who have been dragged through the dirt by life, but are still here! ♡
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
Elizabeth Fruin Nov 2014
Maybe I'm the person who backs away from compliments
Who sits on the sideline to watch the nights events
The one who doesn't like the spotlight on her
Who has a feeling she's got the answer but isn't sure..

Maybe I'm the person who sits on her hands in class
You know, that person who always avoids the mass
The one who doesn't do well with the crowded halls
Who always looks away from the teacher when she calls

Maybe I'm the person who hides behind book covers
Because the books tell of dragons, fairies and lovers
Worlds where she's the princess, soon to be queen
Or a kickass ninja fighting robot machine

Maybe my imagination takes me to far away places
Maybe I imagine the friendliest faces
Maybe that's because no one in reality was friendly
Maybe you should look at me and see me differently.

- E.A.F
To the people who are misunderstood ♡
Nov 2014 · 332
Elizabeth Fruin Nov 2014
We all have that one thing we're destined to do,
It leaves our sanity something to cling to.
Its the feeling of passion that takes our soul,
It differentiates the empty from the whole.

This is what we have all be told,
But when we are different, we fold.
We don't stand tall in success,
Because we're all scared of originalities stress.

We would rather prosper as copies
Than leave behind our insecurities.
We would rather follow someone else's bricked way,
Before wondering into the jungle with fears to stray .

We have been forced, scared into a cage of indiversity,
But the bars are invisible to my curiosity.
Your minds have been set to a specific channel.
One of balanced fear and comfort with no light at the end of the tunnel.

- E.A.F
Nov 2014 · 1.7k
Diamond in the Rough
Elizabeth Fruin Nov 2014
I thought I had found my diamond in the rough
Although he was closed off and tough
I still saw the side to him that not many could
Even past the stomped rose petals and the burnt cabin wood,
The faked smiles and the hollow laughs,
And the fables about not being able to find our other half's

I still heard the altruistic tone to his thump-thump thumping heart
I saw the high percentage of hope on my colour coded chart

I sensed a shivering lightning spark
That ceased in me
All that was so dark
Yet it came with a fee

The cost of eternal bliss or misery
Turns out I was wrong about our chemistry

- E.A.F
Nov 2014 · 549
Not So Privileged Youth
Elizabeth Fruin Nov 2014
Not all youth have the privilege of being young
Life has a way of making us old and high strung
We may not notice it the first few days or years
But all those times life made your eyes rain tears

It made you age a little bit faster than the norm
It created a havoc inside of you that became a storm
And they say that in order for the rainbow appear
You have to sit and wait for the rain to disappear

But the waiting is maybe the hardest thing you'll do
The constant wondering when will it all be through?

- E.A.F
Nov 2014 · 2.1k
Elizabeth Fruin Nov 2014
I'm sleeping through storms
'cause I don't want to see  the thunder
I'm sleeping through storms
'cause I don't want to have to wonder

I sleeping through storms
'cause I don't want to feel the rain drops
I'm sleeping through storms
'cause I don't want to be there when my bubble pops

I'm sleeping through storms
'cause I don't want to see the floods
I'm sleeping through storms
'cause I want to wake up to the rose buds

I'm sleeping through storms
'cause I want to see the blue skies
I'm sleeping through storms
'cause I don't want to hear these lies

I'm sleeping through storms
'cause I don't want to feel anything
I'm sleeping through storms
'cause I can't bare to hear one more tragic thing

I'm sleeping through storms
to leave the past behind
I'm sleeping through storms
Hoping that my mind will rewind

- E.A.F
Maybe you want to avoid life and just enter memory lane.. Back when all was "right" but remember that the memory of light is sometimes brighter than it really is..
Oct 2014 · 486
Lone Cricket
Elizabeth Fruin Oct 2014
But the thing is,
Is that how ever many times I try this thing called love
I can't seem to grasp it,
I feel like its a flying dove
and I'm just a lone cricket..
Unable to follow it into the sunset.

- E.A.F
Oct 2014 · 411
Wishes of The Future
Elizabeth Fruin Oct 2014
Wishes of the future
are blurring the present
Never too sure
If all messages should be re-sent

'cause I can't seem to contact you
I keep thinking that maybe your a lie
But everyone else believes in you 2
Does that mean I should at least try?

Are you not a fable?
Are you truly our saviour?
Can you make me feel stable?
Even with all this random behaviour?

- E.A.F
Oct 2014 · 467
Feared Outcome
Elizabeth Fruin Oct 2014
I feared the outcome of my feelings
I felt as if I was an abomination
Like I was the sting-theory without its strings
Or the earth with us as its damnation.

I have felt these sensations before
But I have never let my body succumb
I resisted them like the French, but more
Until one day my opposition become weak and numb

I let my heart take control of my thinker
As my body began to wonder "what is that linger?"

- E.A.F
Oct 2014 · 348
Elizabeth Fruin Oct 2014
I sing this lullaby to you
Wishing you weren't a stranger
For this is what I do
Instead of avoid your danger

Sure you may try
But I know you only lie

You were never there
And you think you may have cared
But you were never here
These burdens weren't ever meant to be shared

- E.A.F
Oct 2014 · 455
Elizabeth Fruin Oct 2014
It felt like love at first sight
Now, I'd never been one to believe
But this person took away all my doubt
This person became a thieve

The thieve to my soul
The one that made me feel whole
Take into consideration
I've never given someone the chance
Or even allowed them one dance

But I'd dance the night away with you
I'd give you a million and one chances
'cause I think I love the view
Yes its true
'cause as long as you feel this trance
I'd be okay with this single dance

You see
Your body fits mine like a glove
And as long as you feel my love
I'm okay with just one kiss
I'm okay with this feeling of bliss

- E.A.F
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