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  Nov 2018 L B
Jason Drury
On this day,
of 35 years.
Humbled by,
the cycle of death.
I place my foot,
on sodden wood.
the November wind.
It's cruel and nips,
at my blue fingertips.
There is something,
new and also blue.
That pushed me out,
into the deep cold sleep.

Your eyes.
  Nov 2018 L B
She put a jug of water on to boil then moved to the window to view a dawn sky the colour of blood. She thought it might rain; at least that is what the saying says: ‘Red in the morning shepherd’s warning’...
‘But it shouldn’t matter’ she thought ‘I own no sheep and the sky is calling.’
She changed into a light cotton dress of corn-flower blue that she had been saving for just such an occasion. She then slipped her feet into her softest moccasins. The breeze stealing through the window felt brand new and naïve and open to disenchantment all of which she deemed omens to seize the moment, to pluck the day, to ****** banality and finally cash in on happiness.
She sat for a moment to contemplate her decision and to savour the mutinous peace she felt. Then a **** crowed, unpleasantly. Its suddenness made her glance again passed the dusty predictability of her every day detention and out onto that siren world of unexpected promise.  But the sky had bled out to an anemic wash. The day felt second-hand.
She left the window and turned her attention to the jug. Its water had all but evaporated. ‘Just like my dreams’ she thought. ‘Tomorrow perhaps. There’s always tomorrow’.
(mish 2016)
  Nov 2018 L B
got on the train today,
and as it descended down towards home,
I got off two stops before.
saw a girl so empty and ugly,
I wanted to join her.
I met a little boy today, he was wearing blue, not red. got back on the train, felt bored, and as the train descended towards home, I stayed on, learnt my lesson, from the previous off. the windows covered in veins, like highways of rain. It's 11:03, the train was late. or I was early.
  Nov 2018 L B
Ashley Chapman
Rolling a Pall Mall in the courtyard,
of Ye Olde Swiss Cottage Tavern,
in the last of November's sun:

      Lovely sunlight,
      You are,
      Filling me warmly with joy.

Thinking of our desires,
from summer and autumn months,
up to this bright November morning,
we have happily danced,
e'en in the shadows.

Above me two brick turrets,
as I dreamily smoke,
nonchalantly state: 'Underground'.
High-raised logos winking at our play,
struck through with horizontal blue,
in a circle of enamel white.
'Old Fool,' the towers hiss,
directed at my mortal sensibilities,
'winter has come!'

But nothing buries us
as our sun still comfortingly kindles
a friendly star
which when all is dark,
glows inside,
guiding the shipwreck of my sunken years
- the debts and all those unpaid thrills!

Dreaming and Loving,
as children out,
lost in an abundant *****,
each holding off for as long as we dare,
lovers unmasked,
naked before suffocating paternity,
and cold winter's bite!
where to we hardly know,
to avoid its cruel embrace.
  Nov 2018 L B
Logan Robertson
Another volcano erupts
Masked as a mass shooting
Thousand Oaks is disrupts
By a gunman executing

Twelve innocent lives taken
Bloodshed rocked the mountain
Tremors of tears  are foresaken
As the sadness mounts in

In the afterglow of the sorry night
A hero officer is lauded
For responding with all his might
His ultimate sacrifice duly applauded

As many of the bar patrons ran in fear
While smokebombs and bullets sprayed the air
The evil gunmen with his calculated stare
Left the victims without a prayer

In the aftermath sits cratered questions
With depths far reaching as to why
Many innocents lives lost, echo
Their indelible voices still cry

For we're resigned to sitting  in all  normacy
With no foresight on stopping the flow
As another mass shooter festers in dormacy
And this is so sickening to watch it blow

Logan Robertson
Pray for the victims, survivors and those affected by the Thousand Oaks shooting. Pray for us all.
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