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  Nov 2018 L B
Logan Robertson
Another volcano erupts
Masked as a mass shooting
Thousand Oaks is disrupts
By a gunman executing

Twelve innocent lives taken
Bloodshed rocked the mountain
Tremors of tears  are foresaken
As the sadness mounts in

In the afterglow of the sorry night
A hero officer is lauded
For responding with all his might
His ultimate sacrifice duly applauded

As many of the bar patrons ran in fear
While smokebombs and bullets sprayed the air
The evil gunmen with his calculated stare
Left the victims without a prayer

In the aftermath sits cratered questions
With depths far reaching as to why
Many innocents lives lost, echo
Their indelible voices still cry

For we're resigned to sitting  in all  normacy
With no foresight on stopping the flow
As another mass shooter festers in dormacy
And this is so sickening to watch it blow

Logan Robertson
Pray for the victims, survivors and those affected by the Thousand Oaks shooting. Pray for us all.
  Nov 2018 L B
Jonathan Witte
The rain desires nothing but begins nonetheless.
One drop falls, alone at first, followed
by another and another, until
the neighborhood windows weep.

Across the street, her husband turns
his palm to the sky, steps into the storm.
His black umbrella blinks awake,
like the hole he creeps through
when his wife is sleeping, when
the window is open and the sidewalk is dry.

It can’t be helped.

It desires nothing,
but the rain, with
a million hands,
ravages everything.
  Nov 2018 L B
beth fwoah dream boleyn
autumn melts the skies
her oranges like
bright rouge,
her yellows a
half hidden sun.

the fires of a waking
world, blown by
the branches of the

forgotten, an
ending sweeter
than the last
fragments of day
that dream as they
fall, caught by the
torn breezes that
scatter the leaves
westward and skyward
like little ribbons hurrying
along a once summer path.
L B Nov 2018
The deepest reaches of my life
and love and loss --
across the time of one breathing soul
I will harm no one
but my hopeless self
hoping lonely
for an interlude
in the end
A quiet exploration
of you
and maybe me
after loss so long
could we be?
Life and love and loss

I will not say what you beg me to say.
You will never love me-- nor I you.
  Nov 2018 L B
thank you
for the
that no
are they**
than my voice.
**anything/anyone trying to tear me down, whether mentally or situational

!!Don't forget to get out to those polls!!
Change is coming.
  Nov 2018 L B
Butch Decatoria
I make smiles from shattered eyes
cry December's distracting frost

move my soul with hopeful sighs
and pray our devotion is not lost.

It is the eve of renewal's glee
gave sad promises to spoon the moon

but in the haste of glass we freeze
pose with strangers who fill our room

sweat bemoans my reaching hand
your eyes are vacant with his lust

he bids the hours by each command
we smoke our feelings into dust,

this boy is weak yet worships you,
who opens darker gates to breed.

Then enters light, that stirs, confused,
my tears to scream still go unseen.

i am a wish of hearts refused,
the sound of fallen poetry...
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