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"They"* say 'the bigger they are, the harder they fall'
Well, if that's true
Then...  My heart must be huge
Cause I always fall so hard
So fast
So incredibly hard
'In love'
I try to tell myself it's not love
When I have that dreaded thought
"I think I'm falling in lo..."
I stop myself,
Because I KNOW
When that feeling comes...
Only a broken heart is sure to follow
I always fall...
TOO fast
TOO hard
TOO wholeheartedly
I think it's a curse been given to me
So, even though I may lie to myself
Thinking that I'm not in love with you
I know deep down
That it's *not true
 Oct 2014 ejb
Michael Humbert
 Oct 2014 ejb
Michael Humbert
They say it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, but I question that adage. What if you can't enjoy a quiet moment without thinking about your love? What if every woman you've dated since simply brings a smile to your face but one glance at her still feels like your heart is being squeezed by a vice? What if you taste this loss every single day like a mouthful of ashes? What if you need to be distracted by a new woman just so your brain will shut the **** up for a minute? What if every song that even remotely hints at love makes you think about her and no one else? Is it still better? Is it better knowing that the only person you've ever given your heart to is spending the rest of her life with someone else? Is it better knowing that this could have been so much more?
Just some 8am thoughts
 Oct 2014 ejb
Andrew Durst
and somewhere
forgiveness and
you took a part of
me by surprise.

And I could have never
imagined that I would be
falling in love with you tonight.
Here's some fiction for this rainy day. Enjoy.
 Sep 2014 ejb
Tyler Durden
I want to tell you
The words that's come to mind
When you smile the way you do.
But I'm not the kind
Of guy.
That makes the first move.
So I guess this is goodbye,
 Sep 2014 ejb
Layla Thurman
 Sep 2014 ejb
Layla Thurman
Id stay awake all night
Just to wait for your response
 Sep 2014 ejb
Tyler Durden
Let the music play,
Sing along to my favorite song.
Hold my hand
We can drive until we run out of gas.
Through this southern night
In our eighteenth year,
We laugh and stare.
I'm trying hard to feel again
Light the spark
And we'll wake up tomorrow and
Face our fears together.
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