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Paul-Dieter Jul 2018
Reading her,
I found torn out pages
in her book.
She burnt them,
From a past that never happened
To a love that never could.
She wanted to break her pen
But she continued writing just to see,
If anyone would ever love her...
Her never ending story.
To Mika...
Paul-Dieter Jul 2018
I always thought the wings of a plane
were the most important part,
but they only carried me
when I was flying around.

It was then that that I realized,
She was the wheels
Who carried me
whenever I hit the ground.
Paul-Dieter Jun 2018
I didn't kiss anyone else for at 2 years after we broke up.
I didn't want to.
I didn't wanna destroy our memories.
So I turned you into a seed and buried you in my garden heart.
A flower grows there now.
And I think we can both agree,
Both the seed and the garden is more beautiful now.
Paul-Dieter Jun 2018
I remember a few months
After we broke up
Looking at you,
How you changed for the worse.
I wanted to tell you to clean those wine stains from your white carpet,
Forgetting I was the one who spilt the glass
Paul-Dieter Jun 2018
We ponder on our
First kiss
First love,
But they're all in the past

We forget
Love is the race
where we win when
We finish
Your first kiss doesn't carry the weight as the last person you kiss for the first time...
Paul-Dieter May 2018
or talking alive
or dancing
in the sky
or loving
for the first time

Yet singing,
or hiding the pain
or drowning in the rain
but you'll never
Be the same

Funny how hellos
Are just early goodbyes...
It's hard to tell
When you don't see
these faint lines
Meanings can be so different...
Paul-Dieter May 2018
(if Lin Manuel Miranda turned my Breakup into a Broadway Rap)

Ladies and gentlemen
Of the jury
I stand before you today
And surely
I hope that you understand
As I see
We have criminal amongst us
One who commited ****** in the first degree

A young man named Paul
Was slain in a Forrest
And as I recall
It was on the twenty-fourth of February
On a day when he was happy
And filled with merry

We have evidence to suggest he was not alone
You see
We found two cups in his car
One filled with coffee,
the other with tea

A few hours later two joggers went astray
Where they found the body all bled out
And about to decay
His heart ripped from his chest
Laying on the palm of his hand

"Objection Your Honour"

I'll let the witness stand...

Does the defendant have any claims to what he states?

Your honour, Mr. Paul and my client were in fact schoolmates.
Shared the same classes and friends,
there is no debate
But death was his very own ill-sighted fate.

For as I understand he knew this could happen
He knew it was a risk he'd have to take
Make no mistake
As far as I know he saw the hook
And still took the bait...

But your client forgot to mention
the promises that she made
She likes him
Trusts him
But, oops...she made a mistake

And in the middle of a gentle conversation sought,
Your client cuts open his chest
separating his heart
from his thought
And succeeded as it bleeded and all of his emotions retreated never to be repeated

(Serious*) Your honor SHE has murdered love!

How do you answer to these allegations?

(The accused)
"Guilty I am not"

But why are your hands still bloodstained from his heart?

Your honor we have spoken to a witness
And your Honor I Protest this,
I detest this
I will not let her play the victim
And have an innocent man to blame
For things she's done to have him framed
While his chest is wrapped with chains
Could we at least have her detained 



Could we at least have her for questioning?
Cause the only way we'll move on is if we know

I'm sorry Paul...
But you'll just have to let this one go
If Lin Manual Miranda could turn my break up into a Broadway rap...with me as him...
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