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 Dec 2018 Shie
Debbie Brindley
Lifes tragically hard
more things going wrong

Sometimes I do wonder
how sorrowful
the lyrics would be
if written as a song

A song of great love
and trust

Of passion

Of illness  
and fear

Of anger
and heartbreak
over the one I hold dear

What sad lyrics they'd be
If my life with you
were a song
 Dec 2018 Shie
 Dec 2018 Shie
On a dime it turns
Vertical and sharper than any knife
Falling to one side
And the next thing you know
You’re not there anymore
In life
This is about sudden change and the shift in perspective. How quickly things turn on this human earth. Like finding songs, changing directions and the like. Some things just pop up out of the nothingness of the unexpected life. Why? Why did you choose? Why did you try? Or not... Just because. LOL.
 Dec 2018 Shie
 Dec 2018 Shie
Love is not a desire to contain
Or possess.
Love is a desire to set free.
To help someone see themselves
The way you see them.
To see someone become
The truest representation
Of themselves.
To want happiness and contentment for them.
Love in its truest, rawest, and most beautiful form
Desires these things
With no regard for self.
 Dec 2018 Shie
The hardest thing I’ve ever had to do?

It wasn’t letting you go.

That was difficult though, to swallow my pride and wear a smile to hide the fact I’m not okay.

Oh no, the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do? Was finally admit to myself the truth.

It was admitting that you were never mine to begin with.
 Dec 2018 Shie
Ananya Dubey
What's harder to bear;
the eternal glory
of masked truth
or letting pain burn
your insides, like wildfire
does flora.
The sharp gasp
for a breath of life
or the unfazed content
in letting death
'choke you'
Till you are no more
 Dec 2018 Shie
Gnarled Heart
 Dec 2018 Shie
Gnarled heart
growing apart
from all I hold dear.
Branches to ribs, oh spears.
I am overgrown
yet never let alone,
twigs and leaves all split my bones.
Outside, looks so trim
but I cannot let him in.
Twisted beyond what is grim.
Forest forever,
wish a man luck on his endeavor
to cleave a gnarled heart down.
 Dec 2018 Shie
I remember the evening
that we sat clinging
to paper cups
of coffee gone cold

over secrets spilled and memories told
two bodies cursed
with hearts grown old

behind your eyes
I found new worlds
A winding road stretched out for miles
to a small cafe at the end of the isle

Sweet pastries filled the mouths
of those who sat beside us
and stayed for a while.

How the hours went by,
people just passing through
The descending sun ending
a forever with you.
 Dec 2018 Shie
Dr Peter Lim
My old selfish way
    I willingly discard
    to wake unto a bright new day
    the past totally I disregard.
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