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 Mar 2015 Diego
 Mar 2015 Diego
Once I was a Hero,
the Hero of my back yard.
My sword, faith and shield were handy,
kept my face unscarred.

I would fly on wings of ravens,
ride on the backs of beasts,
sleep under the Ice from the west,
rise with the Fire from the east.

I saved many fair maiden,
slew gremlins, ghosts, and goblins,
found ancient treasure from past kings,
ran through numerous gauntlets.

I commanded a battalion of knights,
who would shout my name with pride,
I wonder if my people have missed me,
since the day I grew up and died.
when my time comes
it comes
and I will gladly leave
to those who go on living
the task of sorting out
the mess I have accumulated
over years

let them discover
not only the stamp collection
the bank accounts
but also unknown niches
of their father’s/friend’s/husband’s life
the words unspoken
scribbled on some paper
thoughts never shared
for lack of time or opportunity
the letters to a friend of yore
emails to many people
hints of potential
love affairs that maybe never happened
ideas to change the world
into a better place

here I am
  now with a 7 before my years
envisioning life after death

a sign of vanity
or an expression of despair

I am not sure

it may just be
the fleeting thoughts
on a clear winter evening
when cold creeps slowly
but insistently
into your bones

reminding you

   of all that cold space
   in our universe
   how it grows larger by the second

making you wonder
if it has a plan
and if that plan
includes you
about your destiny

        * *
 Mar 2015 Diego
Kate Breanne
I want to
make love
to you
but not
in the way
you'd think

I want to
brush your soul
with my fingertips
and slip in and out
of this world
in your arms

I want to
show you
the galaxy
inside of my heart
and watch you
discover each star

I want to
press my lips
against your body
and write the story
of our love
in sloppy wet kisses

I want to
deeply inhale
your wild spirt
and get high
on all your
hopes and dreams

I want to
wander the maze
in your heart
and hang
my portrait
over the
cracked drywall.

I want to
feel you searching
my soul and
shouting out
in joy at
every piece you find

I want to
strip you
of your insecurities
until you can
bask naked
in the warmth
of my love

I want to
paint our lives
in vibrant memories
of days filled
with laughter
and nights filled
with passion

I want to
have all of you
in every moment
of every single day
for the rest
of forever

And if that
isn't making love.
*I don't want
to know
what is.
penny for a thought?
 Mar 2015 Diego
Kate Breanne
 Mar 2015 Diego
Kate Breanne
The wave of your love
washes over me,
drenching me
in hopes and dreams
and yet somehow
I still manage to choke
on the seashell of panic,
worried that I will be swallowed entirely
the moment the water
trickles down my forearm.
You’ve given me the heimlich
so many times that
I start retching before
You even reach me.
The sting of the bile
of my past in the back of my throat
Begs to be brought up again.
I try so hard to shove it back
into the deep dark hole
it came from,
but eventually
it bursts past my lips
And sprays all over you.
I attempt to clean you up
but I can see the remnants
of my pain all over your soul
And yet you still smile.
You're gleaming teeth
look as if they were made of pearls
and your eyes look magnificently blue,
overflowing with the ocean
of love you still have for me.
You strip me of the wetsuit
that shields me from your ocean
and I melt into you.
Blending lava and water
in a steamy swirl.
Fiery hot and chillingly cold.
Etching our love for each other
in every bend and curve.
Leaving burns and ice ******
all over our souls.
The hole in my heart
that your ocean filled
frozen into place.
Your ocean carves out a place
for itself in the mountain
of my worry
and turns my mountain
into a canyon replacing
worry and panic
with love and trust.
The seashell of panic
crushed in your wake.
Now as the wave
of your love
washes over me
I no longer cling to the sand
begging for shelter
I dive into your ocean
naked and laughing
hoping to drown
in the sea of your peace.
This is a poem about the struggles a person with depression, PTSD, and anxiety has with being in a relationship.
I imagined I gave you,
All the love in every vein I could,
Every part of me I thought was good,
And every word I knew I should,
Share with you.

I imagined your hand in mine,
Comforting me when I was down,
Pulling me out when I almost drowned,
Accepting me when I found,
Another inside.

I imagined I held you,
When your ocean eyes were filled with tears,
When your perfect heart was drilled with fear,
When all you wanted was not to hear,
Deafening noise.

I imagined I was there,
When happiness lost its ring,
When you needed me more than anything,
When all you wanted was to hear me sing,
My love to you.

I imagined a world where you and I could share glances with each other,
Or gaze for eternity,
Where time lost its hold,
And let us slip between the hours,
In an endless embrace

I imagined an infinity of loving you,
But none of it outshone reality.
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