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She faded into the shadows
        of the love
             she wished she could forget
She solemnly swore
        to drown herself
               in the memory of her regret
Her eyes burned at the sight
         of the lost love
             she'd erased years ago
Her thoughts wondered
         and traveled to places
               she never meant to go
Life attacked her before
         she was even ready
                to feel the pain
Love forced her into the storm
         before she'd even
                 experienced **the rain
when I weep you are my shoulder to lean on
when I ache you take the pains away
when I'm lonely you keep me company
when I'm cold you keep me warm
when I'm sad, you lift my spirits
when I frown, you make me smile

I'm thankful for a sister like you
you do things so many others cannot do
but most of all
when I feel all else fails
you are there
to say
''I  love you''
dedicated to  Lorie with much love
The sun rises and sets
upon your sweet face
a bit of nature
in all its grace

The sun flames in beauty
upon objects below
a bit of kindness
doth it overflow

The sun shines brightly
upon a quiet land
a bit of humility
as I hold your hand

The sun rises and sets
upon your sweet face
a bit of nature
can ne'er replace

The beauty I see
upon your sweet brow
may it shine forever
beginning now
high hopes
looking out
into the beyond
the future

big dreams
about life
what it could be
what it is
here and now

love bursts
faces smile
of yet to come

then comes
the stranger
closer now
hits you hard
knocks you down
life changes

smashed dreams
broken hearts
sweet dreams
moon passes over quietly
in the depths of the waters
eagle wings flap
Inspired by Adam Zerlocks
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