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Life has a way of bringing up roses even in the middle of the storm.
Take your time. Live life and love.
Often something pops into my head
and I just can't get it to leave.
I wrote this as this morning was one of
those times.
I asked for water and I got rain
I asked for wind and nearly got blown down
I asked for money and got 2 pennies

I am blessed
The years go rolling by
leaving behind  only memories
precious ones
dark ones
unforgettable ones

The years go so quickly
children stomping in mud puddles
teenagers talking on the telephone
music changes
and we keep on going strong

The years have surpassed us
with shattered dreams
broken promises
painful nights
tears that fell like rain

But again in a new light
the years have given us
new hope
new love
new dreams
and a reason for living

The past lies in the past
the storms are long gone
think of tomorrow
and remember
today is a gift
Love follows us...
but do we see it?
It has the tendency to grab our hearts
but do we feel it?

Love follows us...
when will we let it take lead?
he who is a little ahead of his time
whose treasures of the words random
romanticism is in the blood, marrow,
his mood is as the autumn clouds

he who has lost his path within path
drowning with dreams, sunk you within dreams  
again holds thousands of lost dreams
fly the colorful kites in the blue sky

he who hide within himself
**** in his naked poetry
In forms humorous,harmonic  
as a portrait of the Vincent's starry night

he is a pilgrim who has lost himself within spirituality  
holds everything with the love  
who is for everybody so everybody is for him
But in fact there is nothing in all his

he who is simple straight as the waterfall
when in complex grew hard stone
who broke rules for building rules,
knows himself within the other life

whose words never be end
again he moves on and on
who laughs in the moonlight
again swept in pain without thinking any gain

who looks the life
as a grain of sand
and see the sign of love
in the footprint of a fossil

he who is a poet -
What happens when we waken to a world of wealth
We only desire to be that much more wealthy

What happens when we waken to a world of crime
We only expect the worst around the next corner

What happens when we waken to a world of pain
We hurt inside and out and the pain is unbearable


What would happen if we waken to a world of peace
We would be shocked, and wonder how long it will last
written on June 16, 2015
at 1:07 p.m.
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