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  Apr 2015 David
Musfiq us shaleheen
*When I saw grandma was spinning yarn at moon
Mother's lullaby was just a fairytale
The measure would not have to weigh the legs
Flew colorful kites in the sky
Had a chat with friends at idle hours
The dreams came but never went with wind
We, all friends were wandering in a fairyland
The words of the poem as the rain came
She loved to hear the poems
When romance flowed with blood
Air, flowers said Spring
When in a lazy Summer afternoon  
She stood at my door
Sitting beside me
Sang a song of future
Lost ourselves
When time moved in the forth dimension  
You and me
Sometimes Sunshine,
Sometimes Rain
Horizon spoke with Rainbows
Then dreams played with my blue Sky
And I was bright as the Evening Star
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
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  Mar 2015 David
In spring when everything alive
and nature call to me of peace.
Nature call to me in every
breeze and silence.
God speaks
in nature.*

© Тадеус 3-29-2015 9:41pm
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  Mar 2015 David
In sweet spring when flowers grow
and trees bedecked in living green
shall cast shade upon moss and fern.
Cedar, pine, beech, ash, and oak
amidst firs and evergreen,
dazzle with drop of morning dew
and laced in spider silk.
In spring forest come alive once more
as does all living things around
with fragrant air to breathe.*

© Тадеус 3-29-2015 9:41pm
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  Mar 2015 David
The bouquet has no flowers
The stems have turned to sticks
There is no scent that lingers

It has long since faded on
Petals returned to earth as dust
Sticks crumble between fingers
  Mar 2015 David
Time is an unkind shoulder
Unable to hold the tears it beckons
Unable to heal the wounds it creates

Time is a cruel teacher
Patience is a virtue learned through pain
Strength forged of necessity

Time is a blessing
Dulling blades
Smoothing jagged edges of emotion

Time lingers
Stretching each moment of joy into eternity
Holding memories in their most pristine state

Time is a universe in and of itself
Changing each second in length and perception
Teasing with it's flowing strength

Time is infinite in love
Lifetimes to eternity
Always and forever
As one
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