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I tried consoling the universe when it heard of your woes
But instead it filled space with raging black holes
I tried convincing the stars to illuminate your path
But instead they dimmed, in fear of your wrath

I tried asking Saturn to bring you joy by gifting you a ring
But instead it refused, knowing that happiness to you it wouldn't bring

I tried consoling the universe when it heard of your woes
But instead we cried because for us, your love no longer grows
I can count by twos or i can count by tens
But i think we'd all be gone by then
I can brush away every strand of hair
But we find ourselves struggling for air
I can close the gap between us with a kiss
But you are still not the one I miss

I can count by twos or I can count by tens
But I'm sure you would have left again
I can beg and plead to get you back
But it's easier to have you pack
I can pinpoint the changes I should've made
But necessary attention to you I never paid

I can count by twos or I can count by tens
But I'd rather not think of the who or when
I can say something to make you believe me
But I'll never get over how my true love deceived me
I can promise to make this relationship grow
But you know I just want you to go
what if we didn't have to walk down the street and fake a smile?
what if we could all be happy regardless
what if we could go 1 day loving ourselves
no one understands us... because were shy its called social anxiety
no one understands the reason i wear black its because thats how I feel
what if everyone believed in god there would have been no crusades
if everyone was just happy regardless tehre would be no fights
but of course i'm only imagining this thought in my head,because somethings just aren't meant to happen if so it wouldve already
 Dec 2015 david mungoshi
And you're in a deeper ditch
each time you think
you've devised a new game
that's just your mind playing tricks
And you keep falling
keep your eyes wide open without a blink
watch out
in the game of being aware
you're mistaken you're the player
and the Friends who were by your side
no longer Care
suddenly the events reverse
whose game is it you wonder
when you're forsaken and abandoned
like some redundant verse
you're not on talking terms
with yourself
because the people that shaped you
disappeared into thin air
and you realize you're not the player
Oh what a shame
it's not your game...
And you still play
still fall....
A drop of even
with a hint of odd
continue fighting
without a thoughtful nod

as long as one is one
and two is two
religion works
and spreads like flu

question rises
and beliefs are shaken
when even hides
and odds awaken


The tunnel of light
and the ray of hope
suddenly turns dim
and difficult to cope

odd shines
alone in crowd
even dies
Sleeping in proud

Here even refers to daily routine ,regular action .
Odd is out of the league,  different,  not following the herd
The past is safe where it belongs,
Gathering dust between my brain and skull.
It has no business in the present.
Recent publications are now on the shelves,
Sharing space with crisp HD shots.
Keep it from invading tomorrow,
Which belongs to the kids,
Who'll have their own burdens and joys
That need no comparisons with past lives.
Their present is in the forefront.
We'll be rightly blamed for this unpredictable world
Of warm Gulf streams, war posturing and threats.
Troubled places belong in the past, safely stored,
With warning labels,
Away from the twelve year olds.
It's December in Ontario,
And an early morning fog
Has cancelled school buses,
In a few more years,
We'll worry about frost
In our orange groves,
As Florida digs out
Of another blizzard.
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