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Somewhere there has to be a world where you are with me,
Where there is me and you,
And only feelings of yours and mine will be,
Where the morning comes with the ray of your eyelids,
Where i would listen the lullaby of moon in your arms.
Where there would be intoxication in between our every meeting,
Our lips would kiss each other with our every conversation.
But, I don't know where that world is,
I don't know whether it exist or not,
My life was not as displeased with me as it is now,
In this lonely painful road, my breaths are lost,
I'm lost in someone's arms,
I kept on searching ways that lead to you, my destination,
And I have lost the destination in a way,
I’m still searching for this world in this atmosphere where my earth, my sky, my smile, my happiness and my life is.
Amorous sunlight touches water.
Romantic ballerina.
Rhythm of pointed tips,
Swirling in sparkling pirouettes.
Kissing morning.
Bouncing ripples.
Surface bubbles,  
Breaching each day.
Reaching skywards.
Always dancing.
Eternal beauty.
Gifts of nature's full grown maternity.
The birth of another lovely day.
Come, my love
let us speak now
the language
of skin

your lexicon
in my every hollow

stroke that soft spot
above my hipbone
you love so well

linger there
like we have

mold my body
to fit yours
wrap me in sleep

precious few
hours remain
imagine to never
touch again.
Is there anything better?
: )
Atop the emerald earth,
a bush of crimson ablaze.
Blush of sunrise.
Bruised rouge of sunset.

Kaleidescope colors of
complex designs complete.
Ahh..but for the lingering questions.
Questions that continue with the
fresh of each day...

Rita...We call to Rita!
Our ethereal selves.
She calls, We come
Into her night of dreams
Woven within her dreams of day.
We come in Our
Saintly stance.

Rita hears.
Knows Our hearts.
And so to her,
We present ourselves.

Rita feels
the plush nuance
of Our ancient wisdom.
A melding of truths

Rita knows
She is a conduit
through which the
breath of message
and knowledge exchange.

'Sine timore'
Without timidity or fear.
Imbued deep within
her Irish blood.
Gift passed from the elders.

Yet, this Lass of yore,
stands away from the podium.
Has chosen not to grandstand,
or grasp boldness too tightly.

Goodness of power is embraced
laced with enchantment.
Able to transcend The Veil,
She walks Her path.
Our winsome
Saint of Impossible Causes.
Collaboration with Alyssa Underwood!

I'm not getting much from life,
it makes me want to scream!
Won't achieve my smallest goal...

let alone my dreams!

Your life's hidden in Christ's hands
and your competence comes from Him.
His Spirit's working His purpose in you...

despite how things may seem.

I'm frail and I'm weak,
I'm sorry. I'm not strong.
You say I can handle this test...

You couldn't be more wrong!

Frailty's the best start
for watching our egos flee.
Once we know WE can't do it...

we begin to get set free.

I am sick and tired
of the daily drudge!
And fellow believers?

All they do is JUDGE!

So lay it all down.
Jesus died to bear
the indomitable weight...

of every burden you wear.

Does God answer prayers?
I wonder if HE DOES!
If you go and backslide

He seems to hold a grudge!

I find He answers differently
than what I might seek first,
for what's pleasant now...

May not fill my deepest thirst.

Alright. He makes us patient.
But I can believe the lies!
He has no provision

to make me savvy... WISE!

If wisdom like the world
is what the soul most craves,
where's the contentment...

in those who are its slaves?

The believer is the candle
Jesus is the flame.
Thank you sister for your help...

I'm calling on His Name!

I will heed your sayings.
I have been absurd!
He's good to all His promises...

They're written in HIS WORD.

It's not absurd to question
or probe into our doubts.
HIS WORD can stand resistance...

through every skeptic's shouts.

We're here to help each other
find truth along the way.


Alyssa Underwood  (the voice of Truth)
*SoulSurvivor  (the doubtful believer)
It was a TRUE pleasure to write with
Alyssa... she's amazing!

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