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 Jan 2016 david mungoshi
I'm still quietly rotting away,
I hope no one notices,
I hope no one prays.
This old soul requires no pity,
Ancient soul of no regret.
Dying mind, but still thoughts of fluidity.
I see the flakes, flying visible every sunset,
My skin is tearing away,
My heart fails too,
I hear less throbs each day.
Grateful am I, of the absence of tears,
The absence of fears.
I can willingly walk 'till the end of the light,
I can walk happily to the dark at the end of this tunnel,
Thankful, that I am not that old I'd have to crawl.
I feel, on this day, my last,
As if I was sixteen again, spending my first night right here, under the wooden bench,
'Lo how quickly 16 becomes 60,
How quickly does 60 become 0?
I know there is no one I've left behind,
No sentimental article of comfort; of value,
Except, perhaps,
The cold, wooden bench at the south side of the park,
Or that beautiful bluebird that sings from his fountain,
Or perhaps,
The stinging, black spots I see when I look at the sun,
Or the feel of warm earth under my fingernails,
Perhaps I'll miss it all,
And imagine I'm back at the park,
When I'd truly be emflammed; burning,
Or perhaps, hopefully,
I'd just be moving from one park to the next,
One life to the next,
Nothing between, but death,
A small, trifle thing,
The largest of fears that is to be overcome,
If I am to be rewarded,
If I am to finally be at peace, true peace,
If I am to belong,
Anywhere, but this park.
This lamentation is dedicated to an old man I met in the park, sitting on the sole wooden bench(all the others were concrete). He was screaming that he was loosing his skin. He asked me for mine. I 'o course was scared as hell, but I just gave him a $100( Jamaican$) and ran away. I didn't see him again and I assume he met his end that day. Cars were speeding by and anything could have happened.
Dementia as seen through my eyes.
 Jan 2016 david mungoshi
Emily B
I swear,
I was laying in bed this morning
minding my own business.
Letting the children get themselves
ready for school
and intent
on falling back asleep for a little while.
And in-between
the text messages
and the phone calls
came a hug
from someone I couldn't see.

I sent out a panicked message or two.
Tell me that you are okay
so I don't have to worry.

I swear,
it wouldn't be so bad
if the invisible
would just leave a calling card.
When you live in the suburbs like I do and like I always have,
the same house even, there is an intimacy that develops- real or imagined -with your neighbors. It's like those dreams we sometimes have about people and places that really do exist, but it just ain't quite what it's supposed to be , but we accept it anyway, because it's a dream and in that ethereal realm of dreams -that's what you do accept the normally unacceptable.
       For instance, who could ever have imagined that the Rosses ,who live at 1423 ,would turn out to be secret swingers ? Mr. Ross is 62 years old, probably five foot nine with a horseshoe ring of white on white  cotton- fluff hair,  perched on his round pink scalp,  over his round pink face , accentuated by round -wire rim- glasses perched on his nose and a  little white mustache that hangs under his nose - like an afterthought.
    Mrs Ross is a  slightly rounded little woman that  always wears  flowery dresses, and  those god awful  tortoiseshell glasses secured to a  string around the neck  like secretaries and librarians often wear.   Her hair would also be white , if not for her habit of having it dyed blue , as is a habit of many suburban housewives of her age .
     So it would be impossible to ever imagine this pair of- short , jolly - suburbanites as secret swingers , but it's true. . I know!  Because I've seen them at it .  About 2 years ago- while Billy Joe Randall , Macy and me were( oh yeah my name is Rance Reed short for Clarence -but don't call me that ) anyway; where was I -oh yeah -we were down at the little pocket park on Grove Street- sitting behind a hydrangea bush-smoking a fatty- and telling each other lies that no one believes anyway, when we saw the Rosses walking toward the park, holding hands as they were often doing.
     Mr Ross looked into the park- suspiciously - as if he were afraid a  hit- man were  hiding somewhere .  There  for a moment I thought he could possibly smell our smoke.,but seemingly satisfied with his inspection, the two of them strolled -hand in hand - across the grass to the playground area where the spring horses , the merry-go-round and swings were.  Mrs Ross perched herself on the rubber - sling like - seat of a swing as Mr Ross pushed to get her started and then he climbed aboard the one to her left .  Using  that see-saw motion one uses to get himself going and then the two of them sat there -swinging and laughing together -for almost an hour.   Sometimes we could hear Mr. Ross go varoooom varoooom and Mrs. Ross would go wheeeeee. It  was the funniest thing that I've ever seen and the three of us sat there making jokes and laughing at them.   Three 23 year old wasted wastrels thinking that laughing at this spectacle was the right thing to do . Then a little while later , as a melancholy wave washed over us like a sea tide , we all stopped laughing.  All three of us -I believe - realized that jealousy is a hard pill to swallow while you're laughing . Looking back at that now I'm a  little  ashamed of myself.  So yeah, the Rosses were secret swingers , but you would never know it by looking at them--- (Oh!  You thought I meant the other kind of swingers. didn't you ? )   -anyway ; where was I ?- Oh  yeah .-     I believe they were sort of embarrassed about the whole thing so I've never said a word  to anyone  about what I saw -until now.  
     Then there is old man George (call me GL ) Angleton and his wife Sarah.   Theirs was the big grey, split -level rock and cedar  house that  dominates the very end of the cul-de-sac we live on called Grayson circle . An enormous porch dominates the front and that is the first thing anyone  - turning onto Grayson Circle- sees after making the turn.   The Angeltons house was always the most decorated house on the block , no matter the holiday,  especially at Christmas- when a raucous mix a snowmen, reindeer and especially Santa's, gathered under the thousands of twinkling lights each year.    There were so many Santas on the lawn, on the roof ,along the porch , one climbing the chimney   that- I always thought - it  looked  like the gathering together of Santa's for a Santa gang fight.
   Halloween was another special time with the Angeltons when they gave out more -kinds and just plain more -candy to all the kids than anyone else for blocks  around or even miles around. One year Mr. Angleton gave a comic books along with the candy to every kid  that  came to the door.
    So who could have ever imagined that just 6 months ago ,  2 days before Christmas , Mr Angleton , who was always of sweet disposition  and always quick to give you a warm smile or a compassionate pat on the shoulder would shoot and **** his wife Sarah and then turn the gun on himself ?  NOBODY!!!
   Certainly not me.
   No, you cannot just see the outside of a house, with the flocks of flowers , the nice neat lawn  and charming old rocking chairs on the porch and really know anything about the heights of happiness or  the depths of despair that live or die behind the front doors .
    When I was growing up , you sure couldn't have done any of that at my house. Looking back now I realize that G.L .didn't put out any decorations last Christmas .
        I should have noticed that.     Yeah , I really should have noticed that!
A dysfunctional suburban family just after Rance has lost the man who was his father. After 10 yrs of depression following tragic loss of wife; he had in effect, become the
Man upstairs that Rance had cared for and enabled since he was 15.
   Now he was going to los Angeles
He's 25 ,an aspiring writer and armed with a nice , newly aquired self contained R.v his dog stormy and a thirst for the knowledge that a 6 week drive from east Tennessee will bring .
Rance , Stormy and their best friend Macy go for a mid-week 3 day wilderness trip to work out the bugs.
              -----------  ---- ------------

All too soon it was friday morning; approaching noon, as we sat there at our campsite. Neither of us having uttered more than twenty words since we.had finished breakfast.
  Neither of us; including my dog Stormy, was ready to re-enter that door we had exited two days earlier, but -due to the fact that nothing lasts forever-' the red light had turned to green , the second hand had once again started its ominous tick, tick, ticking and nobody can continue to sit at the stoplights forever ; avoiding the inevitable move ,whether forward , right or left into the flow of traffic.
Sooner or later someone or something will push up behind to honk the horn or gun the motor. Then the only thing to do is move or throw up a finger.  Though; at that point--with finger or no finger thrown to the approaching fates, the moment is lost-'the future looms as that clock unrelentingly shuffled on its inevitable grind.
     So we reluctantly packed up; taking us one -- long, slow, -- last look around ,as if we could actually see what it was that we were leaving behind. Then slowly and solemnly we made our way back through that door.  TICK TOCK-'TICK--TOCK -- TICK.......!
This is a page from the best run at penning a novel I've ever achieved.
I know that someday
The walls that surround you
Will come tumbling down
      All around you
And you can be certain
That's when the curtain
Will rise up on the first act
The debut of a new play
That you've been rehearsing
One that noone has ever seen
     The actors are ready
    To see how steady
They can be-as they deliver
The performance of a future
    That's taken forever
    To get it all together
The scenery is authentic
The writing is so insightful
That it creates a delightful
Illusion of an intrusion
Into the personal lives
Of the actors themselves
As they pour out the words
That they had to memorize
Then they look with surprise
As they recognize -the disguise
That's been shielding
The very unwielding plot
That has come to the surface
Where it is now- gasping for air
           And aware
Of the mortality of any reality
That has been set loose
And exposed to the light
    Held an example
Of just what can happen
When you sample the emulsion
    That you been trippin on
    Along with the beast
That's been secretly hiding
And has now been caught
     Along with the plot

Constantly in perpetual emotion
   Going around and around
Like a pinwheel-that's being
Held out the window- Of a car
On a highway-going somewhere
             In despair
Knowing that my way is taking me
In the opposite direction
As a means of protection
And having no need
    Of any type of correction
    BECAUSE..... the
Curtain has fallen down
Like the walls that you built
That you once let crumble
Before the guilt that you felt
Reassembled all the pain
That has now been built
All the way around
Close down the play
Send the actors away
The reversal cancelled
Any need of rehearsal.... So...
    Turn out the lights and close the doors
Knowing that somethings not right
About the way that you say
No emergency assistance is necessary
Once the curtain falls
And you make your way back
Back back Back back behind
Behind behind Behind
Behind your walls
Roaming around the outskirts
Of a ghost town in my head
Somethings in there ..that I fear 
Like the others who all fled
I watch all day and listen at night
For the tell--tale sign
Sometimes I hear the hollow thump
Of a heartbeat other than mine
So I know its close
I can smell its breath
As it hovers over my trembling core
So close to death is that load of ****
Each time I draw it into my lungs
And my will is gone....
As I am drawn
Back to my weary watch
Of the ghost town in my head
One by one they all walked away
When they saw I chose **** instead
Of those I used to love.
Shhhhh... Did you hear that?
Lucid moments give no relief
To the age ravaged carapace lying there
Suspended in a time warp conundrum
As fragile as last nights dreams become
Once the eyes open --triggering delete
But not for this carapace
For last nights dreams don't retreat
Vivid is the absolute epitome
Of dreamloop interlocking reality
Dead reckoning eyes beckoning
For a listener of the silent air
To look past the myopic rheuminations
And see the plea desperately flashing
While the lucid light is lit
Flickering like a candle in the wind
True ........but it's there to be seen
As the morning nurse rehearses
The stale and staid routine
Of caring for -without caring about
The warehouse stock beyond the count
The silent ones or the ones that shout
All add up to their final amount
To that
Someone is alway paying attention
Its a hell of a world were all so busy building

"Help me ..please help me...please ...
....Its not a dream"
The eyes scream
As the tears begin to stream
"Look you stupid *****
Can you not recognize
Do you not realize I'm still in here
I still exist
I can't resist ... I CANNOT RESIST."
The neon eyes stop flickering
As they watch the potential savior
Continue the daily routine
Out the door and onto more
Beseaching eyes in the next room
The next ward
Taking stock
Assessing the value of
The mechanism---as a whole
No thought to the poor soul
Suffering beyond the loss of body control
And in lucid  horror the terror
Appears in the doorway
White garbed attendant -cigarette smell in tow
Leaning in to show a sickly grin
Whispering to the carapace
"I'm going home need to cry
I'll be around to see you tonight."
Then looking straight into her eyes
"You can't tell nobody
And I know you really like it
Don't you.? Yeah you do! "
I wrote this recently and still it creeps me out even though I've read it a half dozen times.
They plagued us in the woods and wells
But vain is all our wrath and woe
Beside a deep abyss
Will grow
With tower and spire
And overhead
The sign that you and I do dread
The noisy monster was all but hung
In the lofty steeple
And soon had all but rung
But I was alert
We shall never hear that bell
It is drowned in the deep

By **** and pie
A devil of a joke
I stood on the brink
Of a cliff
Chewing sorrell to help me think
As I rested against a stump of birch
Mid the mountain grasses
As I watched the church
When...all of the sudden
I saw the wing
Of a blood -red butterfly
Trying to cling
To a slippery wet stone
And I marked how it
Dipped and tipped
As if from a blossom
The sweetness it sipped
I called --it fluttered
To left and to right
Until upon my hand
I felt it so gently light
I knew it was the elf
It was faint with fright

We talked of this and that
Of the frogs that had spawned
Of this day that had dawned
We babbled and gabbled
Of much I know
Then it broke into tears
I calmed its fears
Then it spoke
Oh! Their cracking of whips
And they turn and they stop
As they drag it aloft
From the dale below
Is is a terrible tub
That has lost its lid
All of iron
Will nobody rid
The woods of this terrible thing
It could make the bravest
Moss--Mannikin shudder and quake
I swear they will hang it
These foolish people
High up in the heart
Of the new churches steeple
And then hammer and bang
At its sides all day
Frightening all the good spirits
Of the Earth away

I hummed and I hawed
And I said hi **
As the butterfly fell to the Earth
While I -stole off to a herd
That lay up nearby
To guzzle my fill of good milk
I believe three udders ran dry

They will seek in vain
For even another drop to drain
This day
Then making my way
To a swirling stream
I hid in the brush as a sturdy team
Came snorting and panting along the road
Tugging hard at their heavy load
We will bide our time said I
Lying quiet and still in the grass
Till the mighty dray
Rambles by
Then stealing from hedge to hedge
Hopping and skipping
From rock to rock
I followed the fools
On up to the top
They had reached the edge
Of the cliff when they came to a block
With flanks all a quiver
And hocks a thrill
They hauled at the dray until
Worn out by the struggle
To move that bill
Say I to myself
This fawn will play them a trick
And spare them all
No more work today
One clutch at the wheel
I had loosened a spoke
A wrench and a blow
As the woodwork broke
A wobble -- a crack
And the hated bell
Rolled over and into the gulf it fell
It changed and it bounded
From crag to crag on its downward way
Till last
That welcome splash
To the bottom it sank
Where it now lays
At the bottom of the lake
Lost for now and for always
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