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David Hall Aug 2014
a pier one imports parked between
penera and penn station
a physical example of literary alliteration
David Hall Aug 2014
Everything in life ends badly, otherwise it would never end.
David Hall Aug 2014
dreams and memories
get muddled in my mind
I can’t remember what I've lost
or what I've left behind

it’s like an important part of me
has forgotten to exist
while in reality what’s left me
continues to persist

I sacrificed my youth
on the altar of tomorrow
the futures full of hope
that yesterday can borrow

but when dreams come true
they often lose their silver lining
that star that I've been wishing on
has already ceased it’s shining

as I wake up from my slumber
I realize that tomorrows finally here
and it’s everything and anything
I had ever hoped to fear

the question one must ask oneself
is the same one everyday
if I dream hard enough tomorrow
can I find a better way
David Hall Aug 2014
dance steps on the marble floors
still echo off the walls
music that's almost forgotten
whispers through the halls

pillars holding vaulted ceilings
no longer sparkling white
tattered torn and misbegotten
what was once ornate delight

dusty tables are scattered broken
chairs are thrown askew
joyful memories start to fade
as they feel no longer new

a space once crowded warm and bright
has lost its quaintness in the night

now that the parties over
all the people have gone home
shadows fill the empty spaces
where happiness once shone
David Hall Aug 2014
I have a weird confession,
I like stopping at red lights.
In the middle of a hectic day
rush hour traffic fully underway
for just a moment stop and breath.
David Hall Aug 2014
before I die I just want to be touched again
feel desire and lust as passion and trust begin
not just a hug or a handshake
rocked like a bridge in an earthquake
I want to see that look in my lovers eye
you know that look that look where your falling
falling up into a clear blue October sky
before this life ends I just need to be loved again
loved once more like before unconditionally lost in sin
David Hall Aug 2014
My ship is battered beaten
almost broken by the waves.
At the point of giving up,
I was lost at sea for days.

I was chasing love and laughter
all across the seven seas.
My lack of luck proved enough
to drive me to my knees.

Now I've put my ship to port
and the storm clouds have receded.
I hang my head in sorrow,
knowing that I've been defeated

Its peace that I have gained,
but I shudder at the cost.
All a man can hope for,
is the very thing I've lost
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