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People would ask me
" what made you who you are. "
I'd say my family and things that filled me with glee,
especially the people who I talked to almost every hour.

My Friends.
They helped me change for the better.
Those who will stay for the end
will be considered greater.

They helped me when most needed
and encouraged me so much
They cheered when I suceeded
and always stayed in touch.
Hey, old friend
Remember the days?
The times we got so drunk we could barely crawl
What a laugh!
Other nights we'd be so wired
We chewed our lips to shreds
Way back in the day

And do you remember that opiated Nepalese
While the rest were throwing up or falling down
We kept right on smoking
'Til we could barely find our feet
Or remember our names

And then tripping out at Fool's Nook
Thinking the water in the stream was diamonds
And chasing a butterfly that we thought was rare
The mushrooms weren't so magic if you got a bad one
But wasn't it fun!

Going to dodgy Manchester pubs for the draw
Haha, remember that night I nearly got myself shot?
I've never talked so fast in all my life
And now that we're age has caught us up
Where are we now, old friend?
You're dead and I'm falling to bits
Such fun
Back in the day

                            By Phil Roberts
New edit of a former poem called "Such Fun"
 Apr 2017 David Ehrgott
Tis blood and fury
and for its cause
you would build a wall
and construct more bombs
to **** more kids,
to destroy more lives,
and never stop
While acquiring the disguise
to protect you from
the consequences
of your profit driven life.

Tis pain and sorrow
that you built
brick by clay brick
fire by fire
not in a kiln,
but in the hateful decree
of your religious immorality
setting stranger against stranger
calling those who revolt
heretics, blasphemers,
or apostates,
while claiming hate
is equal to love.

Tis my tears and rage
as I push my face
into my pillow case
to scream
because you do not listen to me
and slowly my humanity
turns towards wrath.
I stray, walking away
from my old forgiveness
and redemption days
and fantasizing about
your gruesome demise.
He saw me when we first met.
And though he didn't know who I was,
he still reached out to me.

I used to be so different.

I used to be so fed-up with life and the expectations it brought upon me.
So much so that I didn't want to live to see what it would bring me next.

My eyes became glazed over in a fog preventing me from seeing clearly.
Maybe that's why I was so blind to the things I had done.

I used to be okay with leaving the people around me for a while
and not telling them where I was going or how I was feeling
because it always seemed like they didn't care.
I used to be okay with leaving marks on my skin that would last for years because I believed the problem wasn't around me- it was within me.
I used to be okay with giving myself away in different ways
because that's the only way of life I knew.
I used to not be okay.

But when I met him
I slowly became okay again.

And because of You..
I freely gave up the person I was
so I could be with You
Sondra goes to a bar, and at some point during the evening requests that a sonata be played, the bartender looking surprised says “I don’t have anything like that”, Sondra reaches into her coat pocket and hands the bartender a cd saying “track 4 please”, the bartender lets the current song finish and then plays the cd, it’s Haydn, and the people in the bar start to look shocked, a person goes up to her and says “you know there are places where they play this sort of thing, like restaurants”, Sondra replies “yes I know but I like coming to bars and listening to that music”, another person says “I like it too, it’s soothing somehow and different than what we always hear.”

© Matthew Goff
To recite it in a Poem,
  or sing it loud and strong

Their union an espousal,
  one by measure, one by song

Division casts adrift,
  as muted sirens fold their wings

This moment reinvented,
—words and melody one thing

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)
It's my birthday today, and I can remember a time
When some things weren't so distant
And other things weren't so close

I remember when all I ever wanted
Was to pull you close and make love to you
To be part of something I couldn't understand

I remember when all I ever wanted
Was to find the edge of our universe
To find the brightest of stars instead of the deepest of scars

But now, the effortless way you drift away
Makes me feel empty and unsheltered
And rusts away at dreams that once shimmered

It's my birthday today, and I can remember a time
When I wanted a future with you
More than I wanted a future with myself
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