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Look up at the night sky,
And see how beautiful the stars look,
Shiny and outstanding without even trying,

And the moon,
Illuminating the darkness..
The moon and the stars offer that beauty,
In togetherness,

Not trying to outshine each other,
Because they are beautiful together..
We are different individuals,and its our differences that make the completion of everything that is.
I love you
not because
you're good looking

I love you
not because
you're caring

I love you
not because
you dote on me

I love you
not because
your smiles are sweet

I love you
not in lust
of your crevice
or orifice
or skin

I love you
without you
I feel

incomplete within.
 Mar 2017 David Ehrgott
They don't see me
But you look so closely

And they don't hear me
While you, listen well

Its loud here
One can never tell

But you do
In your silence

Pity, pity

How I need you here
I'm wingless

Fairy gone cold

And I care not
My wings don't sparkle

They are No more

A loved one

And I walk
Amongst those with wings
I can't shut up as of late. Forgive me....
 Mar 2017 David Ehrgott
We're sand, you know
Slipping through splayed fingers
Our hearts,
Are but ash filled bubbles
Carried upon the lilac,
rough winds of May
Blown by peach faced children
Sensitive to the human touch
Grasped too hard,
And a poets heart
Will burst
Should we fall,
As we so often do
We can't be caught
Promiscuous in our words
Faithful, in our dreams
Ash filled bubbles
Eternally in May and lilac~A
I Love You All and that's all I have to say of that.<3
 Mar 2017 David Ehrgott
I placed my hope between the wings of honey bees
To watch them fly away with it
My dreams, upon stars glittering in the velvet beyond
They've long since fallen
Thoughts of life,
given to butterflies, only to poison them
Voice, placed in a crows mouth
Only a caw
Any beauty in my possession
went to the gargoyles, they needed it more
My heart, I so gently laid upon the flower petals
Then winter came
My Love,
I climbed the mighty oak,
And placed it in the leaves
To watch it fall, leaf by leaf,
turning to dust
in the cold~A
 Mar 2017 David Ehrgott
Think of me, just my tongue gliding from the bottom to the very tip,
Dreaming only of a tasteful sip
Under the table
If I'm able
To catch just a simple drip.
Don't blame me, inspired by the man in a boring meeting with only time to ****.
My hair is soft
A light shines next to me
Pale mint green shirt
The snow drifts into the tides of March
And an anxious irritability
An unsettling feeling of where
I have yet to get myself
The fears I turned over
And ingested into my mind
Like the udon soup I slurped down
Across from my love
His ruddy face that so often brings me joy
But I spend most our moments
Worrying if he even really likes me.

I tip toed on the edge of death
A colossal measurement of photos
Zooming past
As the umbrella at long last
Outstretched before my head
I read into it like one would the crook
Of an elbow or a book
And worry that because
I am this way or that
Or because I was born into
My daddy's hands becoming a lawyer mans
After long childhood years of picking cotton
On and in
To a blanket of wealth.

The door opens
It's time for bed now
After a greeting
Of just what he knows I would like
He is my love
And I am never right
Or he perfect
And nothing is ever all that wrong here
And I'm just learning
To let myself
Be happy.
 Mar 2017 David Ehrgott
7 minutes our eyes meet
6 minutes our hearts beat together in lights and sound
5 minutes your rhythm keeps my fears at bay
4 minutes your smile is all i've ever known
3 minutes my heart starts to sink, i feel you slip away
2 minutes you're off to another place
1 minute you're far away and i'm here
Fly high aerial sailors , imploring the news of Spring b'side
morning flowers and grassy knolls , windamere mornings across the diamond studded snapping shoals , from the knothole of a hardwood tree , from a schooner in brilliant blue seas , from the golden edge of a garden periphery , from the starlit bridge across all eternity*
Busy bluebird perched on my farm bell
Sing of stories only you can tell
Sunny days along seedling pastures
Tales of love and pure rapture
Copyright March 16 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
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