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 Mar 2017 David Ehrgott
We start from nothing
And spring from dreams
Reaching through dimensions
And time.
I stand like a rock
Rooted to the earth beneath my feet
Know this place
Own this space
Whilst possessing nothing at all
Still I fly
Pondering reality
Dreaming with clarity
Knowing only
Love survives all.
for a black sheep
my name is sure
on the lips of those
who yell the
loudest that they
are the white sheep

and who act
like they are so
very comfortable in
clothe's besides their

while i wear the
same stains they
scream they don't have
with much more than
an ounce

with much more like
the full price
my head held high
as if
the stains themselves
are the
very words
that they have caused
to bear
 Mar 2017 David Ehrgott
Ma Cherie
I love you very much,
but I'll keep it real real short,
you are my everything you know,
so think before abort.

Ma Cherie © 2017 ; )
 Mar 2017 David Ehrgott
Fill it full
My cup of muse
My body grows tired
My heart confused

I'll raise a glass
To world peace
A couple more
For France And Greece

I'll raise a glass
For Human rights
A couple more
I'll be ready to fight

And now I'll write
From a brand new view
As I raise this glass
Of fermented muse...
Traveler Tim
It starts with a puddle or a pool
turns to a rivulet,
rainwater comes, fills.......then, over becomes a true river...

we human beings are conceived,
nurtured inside the develop
til it's time to be this earth
we grow up.....we mature,
school...experiences, make us wiser
and, as we get older
.our own waters run deeper

we....are like the river...

our actions, reactions and decisions,
all depend on the tides of life...
our moods are waves...playful on a fine day,
they lap, roll...sometimes, crash on the shore.
calm now...later, high with turbulence,
on stormy days, assailing...belligerent,
courageously moving forward.....then back,
like retreating groups of warriors,
weary....defeat-stricken.......yet, all set,
to roll back to shore.......again...

our grounds, our cores, are embedded
with grains of has a voice
in many ways, we become one with nature
we...are like the river...


Copyright February 26, 2017
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
(I am afraid of the water, yet, I love writing about it...
  and when I write about rivers, a name keeps popping
     up...that of a good poet friend...Harlon Rivers!)
He's the hand I felt on my shoulder as the tornado went over me . He's the one who saved me from choking to death in my own ***** . He's the one who sat beside me on the mountaintop as I cried over my wrongs . And if I ever kneeled before him he would take my hands and raise me so I could kiss his cheek . Who is God ? My best friend who has saved me time and time again . Who understands my limits and my failures but forgives me each and every time . One who is always there for me to lean on when I am tired , lonely , discouraged . One who has shown me heaven and promised a place there for me .
Who is God ? He is in me , my past , my present , and future . I am nothing without my God .
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